Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Pregnancy update weeks 30-34 and 35,36 week pics

It's hard to believe that at 34 weeks I was already in the hospital with contractions with Hunter! I am glad that Lane is holding off! I haven't had near as many contractions as I did before I went in at 34 weeks w Hunter. So, I think that Lane is planning on making this mama wait until closer to his due date... which is okay by me as long as he doesn't go late :) haha 
At our 32 week sonogram Lane weighed 4 lbs 3 oz which is just one oz shy of what his big brother was at that point. They thought they could tell he had some hair already too! I'm very curious to see if he will look like his big brother!

Here are the latest weekly picture updates.

Unfortunately I have gained 30 pounds so far! Uhh! I just hope it comes off fast and I hope he doesnt weigh 9 pounds! Another 6 or 7 pound baby would be fine by me but unless he comes within the next 2 weeks I think he will pass that weight up quickly. School is out in 3 weeks and then I will welcome him to come!
Here are the sonogram pictures of our sweet guy! He looks like he might have big brothers cheeks, yay!
Besides gaining a lot more weight and having swollen feet, I can't complain! This pregnancy has been a breeze and I am praying that labor and delivery go smoothly too! Hopefully I won't have to push for 2 hours with Lane like I did Hunter... that was miserable and I'm really not looking forward to that part! Baby Lane you will be here shortly and we can't wait to meet you sweet boy!

Had to tag on week 35 and 36 pictures... never got a chance to take 37- or 38!


almost 2!

At 23 months Hunter is in size 7 shoe and 2T clothes. He is about average weight and a little above average height. He talks in sentences and is very clearly understood. He sleeps all night in his new big boy bed and is still wearing diapers. We tried a few weeks ago to get him potty trained before the baby came but that didn't go over too well. We will try again later when he's ready! For now, I guess we will have 2 in diapers :( Hopefully he catches on fast and can start potty training this summer!

We have been enjoying the sunshine lately! We took our first zoo trip as a family of 3 and probably our last as a family of 3! Hunter loved all the animals but his favorite were probably the hippos and the fish.

We are so excited the warm weather is here to stay! Hunter and Brynlee enjoyed a wagon ride and some popsicles this week!

Love this picture!

Hunter helping daddy cut up mushrooms! It's mushroom hunting season!

We have offically mowed a few times too and of course Hunter loves to ride daddys tractor!

Waiting on Brynlee's momma to finish up a client these two decided to catch up on some gossip :)

I am loving this stage of life! Hunter is so fun right now and this is probably his last month of being an only child! I'm trying to get some snuggles in and do some fun things with him before everything changes! We are excited to see our family grow! :)