Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hunter lately- 2 years 4 months

We got Hunter potty trained 2 moths after he turned 2. It was so much easier this time around! When we first tried potty training at 22 months he was not quite ready. This time, it was so evident that he was ready! He understood it better and even if he went in his underwear he would tell me and then he would finish going on the toilet. We started by having him sit on a toddler toilet seat and this worked for awhile. He did really well with going poop on the potty.. it took a little longer to get the hang of going pee. I'd say after a week he was having 1 or less accidents a day. Then we went a few weeks with no accidents. Then randomly after he had been trained for awhile he starting having multiple accidents a day. It started with just accidents for granny, then for everyone else except us, then he started having them for us too. I was so annoyed and did a little searching only to find it was normal for kids to go through a rough patch after they have already been trained. So instead of spanking when he had accidents we decided to try something new and get a stool and let him try taking ownership of the whole thing. He now can go in there and go pee by himself using the stool. We still like to supervise but he does do a good job going alone!

When we first started training we started with the thick gerber training underwear. These were so nice because even when he did have an accident if it was just a little bit it didnt ruin his shorts, socks, and shoes! Now if it was a lot of pee then it didnt matter and he would have to change everything. We are now using normal underwear and he is doing great!

He says the funniest things and always keeps us laughing. He has the craziest vocabulary for a 2 year old! We are going to put him in pre-school next year to get him some socialization. Hopefully he can get a little better with his speech too. He knows any word and can talk in sentences but the way he talks is not exactly normal haha. He used to stutter a little bit and we told him to slow down and he basically stopped stuttering. Now instead he elongates syllables to keep from stuttering. Its not a huge deal but being around other kids and seeing how they talk may help with this, I don't know!
Hunter knows every color, the common shapes, counts to 20 and can keep going if we help him a little. He knows the abc song, itsy bitsy song, patty cake, and others! He can identify the letter H and knows how to spell his name... I am hoping to get him writing his name before pre-school next year!

If there is one thing he loves most its his baby brother. I love seeing him kiss and hug on Lane. He is constantly telling him to smile and giving him kisses. My favorite is when he says I love you baby Lane <3 Melts a momma's heart! These two are my pride and joy... along with their daddy! We are one blessed family! Thank you God!

Lane: 4 months

At 4 months old Lane loves to talk, smile, laugh and be talked to! He is even more content than his big brother was at this age, which is nice trying to handle 2 kids! He is just the easiest kid to get to sleep to. You literally just have to hold him on his side and pat his but for a second and he is out! Lane so far doesn't need his butt pat in his crib like Hunter did. I am hoping we don't have to start that again! So far so good though!

The doctor gave us the green light for starting cereal. She said to feed him once a day and start with cereal and then move to oatmeal and food after a week or so on the cereal. So excited to see him try new things!
Right now he is eating 4x a day 7oz bottles. He usually eats at 7,11,4,8
He sometimes breastfeeds and other times gets the pumped milk. He puts his hands on the bottle but doesnt seem close to holding it yet.
His sleep schedule is typically morning nap around 9, afternoon nap around 12:30 and evening nap around 6.

As far as development goes, he is starting to reach for toys but mostly reaches for his paci! He is always putting his hands in his mouth and chewing on them! He sat in his exersaucer for the first time today too! He still hasn't rolled over. His doctor said that is more of a 5-6 month development. He does seem to have a really strong head and trunk stability though so maybe he will start sitting up in the next month or so!

He is wearing size 3 diapers, and size 6-9 month clothes. He weighs 16 pounds 4  oz and he is 26 inches long. He was in the 75% for weight and 90% for height.

He hasn't really lost any more hair since 3 months so hopefully that was all he will lose! He is staring to get some back in on that one side too, yay!