Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Lane 18 months

Lane at 18 months still weighs about 28 pounds. He is slowing down in the growth department just like his big brother did at this age. He is finally starting to eat more after all those teeth came in! He now has 12 teeth fully in! He did so good with teething he would rarely ever wake up but you can bet his whole hand would be in his mouth all day long! Ibuprofen has been his friend that is for sure! Hopefully we are done with teeth for awhile at least!

This month Lane started speech therapy. He has recently started talking more though. He can now say bye, mama, dada, baby, oh no, that, yah, hi dad, hello, ball, love you, night night, mimi. They come once a week and work with him on his words! I'm hoping in a few months he will pick up on it more and he will be good to go! He loves when his teachers come and work with him! Hunter gets a little jealous that they're not playing with him though!

Lane continues to love cheese and we recently found out he LOVES cuties! He ate 2 in a matter of minutes the other night and we had to shut him off. He is another juice loving boy and we have to monitor that! I wish my boys would just drink water! We are working on it!

Lane and Hunter sat on Santa's lap last weekend and you could say they were NOT fans! The picture is pretty priceless though! We are so excited for the Christmas season this year with our two big boys! 
 Cookies with Santa was a hit though!
 Lane absolutely loves looking at this magnet we have of Papa John and Grandma Dinah's family.
 If this little guy is ever upset about anything, put him outside and he will cheer up! He LOVES being outside! But be prepared for a fit when you have to come back in!
Lately little mister has been watching Hunter go potty and he keeps lifting up his shirt just like bubba. It is SO adorable! We will probably hold off until next summer to potty train though!
I am so glad these two have each other! They love each other so much!
We have another baby lover in the family! Lane loves babies but we have to watch him to make sure he doesn't attack them with kisses or try to pull their ears off, haha. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lane 16 months

We took Lane for his 15 month check up at the end of last month and he was in the 95 % for both height and weight. He weighed 28 lbs and 9 oz and he was 33 1/2 inches tall! I knew he was a tall little guy because his shirts were all way too short!

He sure is getting a mouth full of teeth lately! He now has 2 top molars,a bottom mollar is in and another one on the other side is pushing through. He is also getting a 3rd bottom tooth finally. So with all of those teeth he will have a total of 11! He went from 6 to 11 in a matter of a few weeks, poor guy! He's been running a fever here lately and if I don't give him IB Profin before bed he is up so I'm guessing they're hurtin him!

As far as speech goes he still says just a few words. I talked to his doctor about it when we took him for 15month check up and she said I could get him evaluated if I wanted to. If he qualifies then they will do in home therapy so we will see! The thing that worries me with his speech is that he talks non stop we just have no clue what he is saying! He will literally have a whole conversation with you and he thinks he's making sense haha. So, I'm hoping that he will grow out of that and we will be able to understand him better soon! I can't wait to start communicating with him! He's getting so fun! I'm still working on trying to break the screaming habbit and he has been better lately.

We went to Curtis Orchard and Pumpkin Patch with papa this week and had a blast! The boys got to ride ponies, do bounce houses, go on a wagon ride through the orchard, play at the play grounds, and more! I'm loving that the boys are getting old enough to go and do things and have fun now! Lane sure doesn't want to miss a thing!

This little dude is so handsome and sweet! He is my cuddler for sure! Love you Laner bug!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Lane 15 Months

Lane is looking like such a big boy lately! He recently got his first buzz cut and oh my is it cute! He still has the most blonde hair ever! It's almost white looking and so adorable with his little round face! 

 We enjoyed awesome weather at the beginning of September for camping! The boys had a blast! Lane loves any kind of balls for sports so he was loving the kickball and wiffle ball games!

 Look how cute I am with my new hair cut!

 Ranch dressing is his absolute favorite. Restaurants are sometimes difficult with Lane getting ansty but give him a cup of ranch and he's good to go, haha. We let him dip some fries in it and he was in heaven.
Seriously how stinkin cute is he?! Love the pink party hat too! This was at Kendyl's birthday!

Lane has his 15 month appointment next week but I am pretty sure hes grown a bit since his 12 month appointment! I weighed him on our scale the other day and he was almost 28 pounds. I had to get out the tub of summer clothes I had from when Hunter was 2 for Lane to finish out this summer in! He can not wear his 12-18 month clothes anymore! I've been buying 24 month for this fall season!

He is starting to talk more within even the last week too. He can now say "uh bah" which means "a ball". He is such a smarty pants though! Knows where to go when I say lets go change your diaper or lets go take a bath. He definitely knows how to use his voice with screaming even though he doesn't use it for too many words yet! Yikes! I hope we can stop the screaming soon!
He loves to feed himself with a fork or spoon lately too. He refuses to let us help!
Love you Laner-bug!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Lane 14 months

Well shortly after my last blog post Lane was a walking machine. It was about 5 weeks after his birthday when he officially took off on his own and hasn't really crawled since. He right away already knew how to get back up to a walking position after he fell without having to hold on to anything for help. He has started talking a little more as well. His new word for the month is bubba. The way he says it is sooooo cute! He puts inflection on the second syllable, adorable! So his total words so far are:

eeeee- means eat or drink
buh-buh- bye
uh oh
dee-uh- deer
mmmmm- he says this when he is eating, ha
we swear we have heard him say other things like hello, Lane, and ball

Other than walking and talking Lane's favorite things are to chase Hunter or be chased by Hunter. They did this around the ottoman the other night for a good half hour! They are both outside boys! Anytime anyone goes outside and Lane knows about it he will stand at the door and holler until he gets to go out too! He is still a climber as well. Luckily he doesn't climb on the kitchen table as much as he used to! That was scary! He loves the park and can climb up and down stairs now! He will even go down the slides by himself at the park!
He still LOVES food. I would say green beans and peas are among his top foods right now!

He is doing great after his tubes and has only had one round of sickness which involved tons of fluid drainage so he did get an ear infection in one ear. The other drained well. When he got sick he couldnt breath well and he gave up his paci! I know I should be excited about this because he gave it up on his own but I loved the way he looked with his paci! My little baby! I'm not gunna lie I have even tried to give it back to him and he just throws it!! :( He is growing up so quickly!
He weighs 25 pounds and is wearing 18-24 month clothes, 4 shoe, and 5 diapers. He is still a wonderful sleeper. This summer he has started sleeping in even more he now sleeps from about 8:30-8:30.
 He is a fire ball thats for sure! Wouldn't trade him for anything! He is still my cuddle boy :)

Friday, July 10, 2015

Lane 13 months

At 13 months Lane STILL refuses to walk completely. He is getting a little more comfortable with it so hopefully soon he will take off and not look back! Mama is ready! Crawling outside in the dirt and grass is no fun!

He now has 6 teeth and I believe he is getting some more. He has been quite crabby lately so maybe its time for molars?

His favorite toys are any kind of toy balls! He is OBSESSED! He is always pointing at one and doing his "uh uh uh" noise until he gets it! He even thought a tomato was a ball and kept pointing until I gave it to him.

He is quite the mama's boy these days too! I can't get out of sight!

We finally have time trained to where he doesn't need rocked to fall asleep which has been a blessing! I miss rocking  my baby though! We usually just lay him down and after about 15 minutes he is asleep.

No more bottles! We kinda just cold turkey took away the bottle and he has done great!

He's a smart little guy! He's gotten used to pointing and doing his uhhh noise when he wants something so we aren't hearing many new words, but we know they will come soon enough!

HOLY CLIMBER! I've never seen a baby that climbs like this one! He can get on and off the couch, he can even get on the kitchen table! It is quite scary!

He is still right around 24/25 pounds and wearing 18-24 months clothes, size 4 shoe, and size 5 diaper. We have also discovered this summer that Lane is quite allergic to mosquitoes

!He gets welts like crazy! We have to spray him down really well before going outside, and unfortunately learned the hard way on that one!

Lanes Birthday Party

Lane's party was adorable! I couldn't have done it without the help of Granny. She made the decorations, cookies, chocolates, and more!