Friday, July 10, 2015

Lane 13 months

At 13 months Lane STILL refuses to walk completely. He is getting a little more comfortable with it so hopefully soon he will take off and not look back! Mama is ready! Crawling outside in the dirt and grass is no fun!

He now has 6 teeth and I believe he is getting some more. He has been quite crabby lately so maybe its time for molars?

His favorite toys are any kind of toy balls! He is OBSESSED! He is always pointing at one and doing his "uh uh uh" noise until he gets it! He even thought a tomato was a ball and kept pointing until I gave it to him.

He is quite the mama's boy these days too! I can't get out of sight!

We finally have time trained to where he doesn't need rocked to fall asleep which has been a blessing! I miss rocking  my baby though! We usually just lay him down and after about 15 minutes he is asleep.

No more bottles! We kinda just cold turkey took away the bottle and he has done great!

He's a smart little guy! He's gotten used to pointing and doing his uhhh noise when he wants something so we aren't hearing many new words, but we know they will come soon enough!

HOLY CLIMBER! I've never seen a baby that climbs like this one! He can get on and off the couch, he can even get on the kitchen table! It is quite scary!

He is still right around 24/25 pounds and wearing 18-24 months clothes, size 4 shoe, and size 5 diaper. We have also discovered this summer that Lane is quite allergic to mosquitoes

!He gets welts like crazy! We have to spray him down really well before going outside, and unfortunately learned the hard way on that one!

Lanes Birthday Party

Lane's party was adorable! I couldn't have done it without the help of Granny. She made the decorations, cookies, chocolates, and more!

Lane is ONE!

Our baby is one! It has been such a joy watching you grow baby boy! And you have grown so quickly! We are still waiting on you to take off and walk! You know how if you could just get the courage to go go go! We have seen you walk across the living room and down the hall, but you still just prefer to be a lazy little guy and crawl (which is much faster,) or be held of course.

At one year Lane weighs 24.8 pounds and is 30" long. You are not quite as tall as big brother was at a year, but you are still in the 90th percentile for both weight and height so we will have another big and tall fella!

As far as foods go you love to eat! You aren't too picky either. Some of your favorite foods are peas, green beans, watermelon, blueberries, french fries, and eggs just like your brother!

You are a very smart little guy and understand a lot of what we are saying! You definitely know what walk means, because you usually scream when I tell you to walk. You know who mama, dada, and hunter are. You always pick up the phone and put it to your ear when I tell you to say hello! You have been screaming when you get mad lately! VERY LOUDLY! You also scream and hit when Hunter takes a toy or gets in your face. Hopefully you two will learn to get along as you grow, haha.
You are not a talker yet... you will say words and then I don't hear them again for quite some time. You used to say uh-oh all the time and I never hear it anymore! mama, dada, and no are your favorites though.

We are loving your little personality that you are growing in to and can't wait to see the boy you will grow into! Love you baby boy!!