Thursday, May 17, 2012

33.5 weeks

I'm almost to 34 weeks! Saying I only have 6 weeks left sounds amazing. I've gotten to the point where I'm not enjoying being pregnant anymore. I know I've had a very easy pregnancy so far with no complications but I'm gettin pretty uncomfortable and ready to have my body back!
Oh how I wish I could just go back to looking like this...

...but I know that won't happen right away, or maybe ever. I'm hoping my hips don't widen too much when I go into labor, since they haven't really widened much maybe they are already wide enough to birth this baby, haha! I can hope, right?

Here is a picture of what I look like now at 33.5 weeks

I guess I should just be lucky I haven't gotten any stretch marks.

My appointment was pretty quick today. She checked my weight and I had actually lost a pound! I was pretty excited, haha. She said that means last time I was retaining more water than this time. Which I knew was true because I had a sonogram last time and I always try and get my bladder pretty full so I had drank 32 oz of water right before coming in and I'm sure I retained a lot of it becuase my feet were pretty swollen last time. This time, my appointment was at 10 a.m. so I hadn't really been on my feet at all yet for the day and therfore wasn't retaining any water....yet. But horray for being almost 34 weeks and gaining right at 22 pounds so far. I still might make my goal of not going over 30 lbs...but I still have a while yet so we'll see.

Blood pressure was good, 112/60.

Baby's heart rate was 148 and lookin good

She did check me and I wasn't dialated at all and she said baby was still pretty high. I can say I'm ready for the baby to drop so my ribs can get a break! I honestly think they are bruised on my right side! Baby is still head down and she said its unlikely that he/she will flip now since there isn't much room left in my belly! Yay!

Today was pretty uneventful but nice to hear the heart beat :)
I go back in 2 weeks and then every week from then on out! We are getting closer!

1 comment:

  1. I had a blonde moment when I read your post... I thought the first picture was you now at 33.5 weeks... Yep stupid I know!

    Anyway, you are pretty cute prego :) All your weight is in your belly and it's so cute! I have a hunch it's a boy by the brown line on your belly, but I think that is just an old wives tale.

    Still.... SO EXCITED for you and Jared. It's almost time!
