Saturday, October 6, 2012

4 months!

At 4 months, Hunter has quite the personality! He is such a happy baby!
At 4 months Hunter can... laugh! He has the cutest little belly laugh and he is so ticklish! That is a sure way to get him to laugh.
Still sleeping through the night, yay! He usually sleeps about 12 hours, which I know we are very very very very very blessed with!
Talks, smiles, and laughs ALL THE TIME! We love this little personality that is shining through. He still pouts some too, but not near as much anymore.
Is still a very content baby. He loves to sit in his bouncy seat and watch cartoons. Although I don't want him watching very much becasue I've heard this is bad for their development... too many colors and sounds to process! Sorry Hunter we'll have to start cutting you back on your cartoon time!
Is still a big boy but is seeming to slow down a bit in weight. His appointment isn't until Oct. 17th but according to our scale he weighs 18 lbs. So he's only gained 4 pounds in 2 months; slowing down a little.
He seems very long to me but again I don't know the measurments yet!
He's eating cereal by spoon and loving it.

He trys to hold his bottle already... thinks he's big stuff! He needs to move his hands down a bit and he might have it!

Has lost most of his hair :( I loved his hair! His new is growing quite quickly though! He is pretty patchy at the moment.... grow baby grow!
Wearing size 6-9 month clothes and 9-12 month sleepers. I'm waiting on him to go through the last few size 2 diapers and then we'll be movin him up to 3's. I hate to waste any!
Eating an 8 oz. bottle 4 times a day. 8, 12, 5, 8 (usually)
He is a very scheduled baby! He knows that he has one morning nap, one afternoon nap, and an evening nap. Usually his morning and afternoon naps are 3 hours and his evening is 30-1 hr. However, if he is woken up early or doesn't sleep as long he still thinks that was his nap and he won't make up for it. This is frustrating when he falls asleep in the car and then won't take a nap or wants to go to bed at 7.
He sleeps on his belly still and is eating cereal in his last bottle still. I am pretty sure this is the key to him sleeping so well. There was one night we forgot cereal because we were out and about and he woke up at 1am crying. This was the only time he's cried out or woken up in 2 months! So we know it works and keeps his belly full at night.
He is just starting to play with toys. He sat in his exersaucer yesterday and was intently playing with the toys on it. So cute!
He still isn't interested in rolling over. Has only done it that one time. He does play on his back quite a bit, but doesn't usually ever play on his stomach, just sleeps on it.
We are loving watching our sweet boy grow. I saw a newborn the other day and got really sad that my baby is getting so big! It's insane how fast its going. I'm trying my best to soak up every moment. I'm such a baby lover I could keep him this age forever! Jared is so excited to see him grow though so he can do things with him like hunt, fish, and of course teach him how to ball!
I'm loving the winter hats :) Hoping for a mild winter though! So glad he's out of the newborn stage for the nasty cold weather! Summer babies are the way to go!

Always has his hands in his mouth! This makes for some stinky cheeks, haha. Slobber slobber slobber!

Grandma Jackie made me this cute hat!

Just chewin on my hands, mom.

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