Saturday, April 20, 2013

preparing for a little one link up: packing your bags!

I'm linking up with my sister's blog and her link up series called "preparing for a little one". This week we were supposed to share what we packed for the hospital!

I had 2 hospital trips, so my first one was a practice run for the real one a week later! When I was there the first time I wasnt prepared to stay. So, I realized a few things that I wanted to make sure I had when it was really time to have the baby!

I would say the number one thing would be to make sure and bring your own towel! For some reason, our hospital towels were like hand towel size! Okay, not really that small, but they were very tiny!

Here is a list of other things I made sure I had on my second visit:
-comfy clothes- I had my son in the summer so packed some underarmour athletic capris and a t-shirt
-boppy for baby- you will be amazed at how heavy a 6-9 pound baby can feel after 2 hours of pushing I could barely hold my son up on my own!
-a mini fan- once again I had my son during a very hot time in June so this was helpful!
-charged cameras and video camera ready to go! (the first time I went I didn't have mine charged and ready!)
-I know you really want to bring the diaper bag, but it's not necessary. The hospital provides all the essentials for baby including diapers! Just bring an outfit for going home in and maybe a blanket... you will be going home with 5x more than you came with anyway!

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