Thursday, July 4, 2013

13 months

We have had quite a few play dates with Miss Brynlee this summer. Her momma and I have become quite good friends and we go walking twice a week with the strollers. Then usually after we walk to decide to meet up later and get some pool time in or do some pinterest crafts. I have enjoyed it very much! I will be so sad when I have to go back to working 5 days a week and don't get to see them as much anymore!
Hunter has also had a play date with my friend from Windsor, Stephanie and her daughter Wren. They came over the other day and brought a yummy lunch and then the babes played with Hunter's toys for awhile. We may try the park or Wren's house next time!

Hunter and I snuggling before church one morning <3
Hunter and his daddy being boys!

Hunter has also enjoyed playing with his cousins more this summer!
I can't believe how smart our little guy is! He has just taken off with walking and talking within the last 4 weeks! He knows so many words and he can basically run now. He went from being afraid to walk to just one day letting go and now he has no fears. He has a little bus toy that he climbs on and it has a slide. He is a little dare devil on that thing! He climbs up it by himself, goes down the slide head first, lets go and pushes himself down under the seat to get down... its crazy. I think he is a monkey!

At 13 months Hunter can SAY:

ball (sometimes he says "the ball" haha)
buh bye
mama (although not very often...)
mmmmm and num num (which he says when he is hungry)
stop it

He has quite the vocabulary for a 1 year old! Our doctor told us by 15 months he should be saying 3 words, haha. I think we are going to have a talker on our hands!

Is back to 2 naps... the 1 nap thing is only if he happens to sleep in till 9-10 in the morning. But his sleeping is back to 8pm-7am so usually 2 naps are still necessary!

He has also started hitting already. If you try and take him from mom or dad when he doesn't want to be taken, he might smack you. You have our permission to smack his little hand. We want to stop this habbit quickly! Little turd doesn't seem to care when we smack his hand either!

He can also be so sweet! He blows kisses quite well and when I say I love you that is usually his response is to blow kisses or go in for kisses. Love it! Nothing sweeter than baby kisses!

Currently his favorite tv show is giggle bellies. We have a few of their dvds and that is my saving grace for taking a shower or getting ready while he's up! He sits in the high chair and watches this show so intently!

He still has just 6 teeth but will eat anything. I found some Oscar Meyer Selects Chicken hot dogs that aren't really the crappy hot dogs most are... they are just chicken meat, no nitrates or anything. But that is how I have been getting him to eat meat lately. Besides lunch meat and those chicken hot dogs, he doesn't chew meat well. Other than that, he is a piggy and eats anything in sight. He will keep saying "mmmmm" to get more until you stop, haha.

He currently wears size 18 month clothes, some of his shirts are 18-24 months, size 5 diapers, size 4 shoe.

Before he was a year old he army crawled everywhere. He would only get up on all 4's when he was crawling on concrete or grass. I think the texture hurt his legs when they were dragging. So we rarely ever saw him up on all four legs. Well now that he can walk, he also crawls regularly too. I think he was actually faster army crawling, haha!

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