Saturday, December 13, 2014

Lane 6 months

Lane at 6 months is approximately 20 pounds and tall, haha. He is wearing 12 month clothes unless it is a one piece outfit then he is in 12-18 months. He has such a long torso! He squeels, plays, and squeels some more. Such a happy easy going guy! He does have a temper though! If you are holding him and you lay him down to change his diaper he will get very mad! He arches his back and kicks those legs out, not to mention screams!

He loves to play on the floor. He will roll both ways front to back and back to belly. He doesn't enjoy being on his back though. He hasn't started crawling but he will definitely reach for toys and trys to scoot around a bit. I'm sure he will be just like his brother, and we will have another army crawler on our hands. He isn't a big TV watcher, unless it is gigglebellies then you have his full attention! He will be content in his exersaucer and jumperoo for a long time by himself. He is so aware of what is going on now. If he sees a bottle across the room he wants it! If he drops his paci he looks all around for it and grabs it, and he can put it back in himself. He even grabs for my phone already... and the remote of course!

His schedule is finally starting to be the same... he took a lot longer to get on one than Hunter did. There are still days where he changes his schedule too. Most of the days he wakes up around 7, eats, plays, naps around 9, wakes up after an hour or so, eats around 1030, plays, eats baby food, then usually eats just a few ounces if any and goes back down for a nap around 1. He will usually sleep a few hours this time. He wakes up and eats again around 4. Eats baby food for dinner and has one more bottle around 8 before bed! He sleeps all night still, thankfully!

We have started giving him baby food 2x a day now too. He seems to notice table food a lot more lately! He gets baby food around lunch and dinner time. We have some that is homemade baby food and we also have some of the step 2 gerber dinners. He doesn't seem to have a preference, besides not liking peas! I have not had any luck getting him to eat peas. He still has no teeth!

He likes bath time with brother! He is pretty good at sitting up by himself now, but it is hard in the bath so he has a bath seat.

Even though life is crazy busy for us right now I still manage to capture sweet moments on camera. I love our boys more than anything! Here have been some favorite moments lately...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lane 5 months

Lane at 5 months...
We dont' have an official weight because he goes to the doctor next month, but on our scale he was a little over 18 pounds!
He is starting to hold his bottle by himself now.
He rolls from back to belly.
He is wearing 9 month and some 12 month clothes.
He loves baby food..*disclaimer dont try to feed him peas! He does not care for them! He also does much better when he eats food during the day around mid morning... when I try to feed him at night he gets so angry with me!
We are currently on a formula search. I stopped breast feeding and now we can't seem to find a formula that agrees with little mister like the breast milk did! He has tried 3 different ones and he seems gassy and spits up with them. I'm hoping we can figure one out soon! I want my content sleepy baby back! That being said, either its the formula or he is making up for the first 3 months of his life when he slept them away! Because lately he has been cat napping. We will lay him down and then an hour later he wakes up. I'm really hoping its the formula and not just a cat napping phase! There are some days when he will still take a 2-3 hour nap but not very often! We may have been spoiled with that!
He is SO NOT a schedule baby! I STILL don't have a set schedule for him. Each day is a new day and a new attitude, haha. Some days he is content as can be and other days he wants held all day. He still doesn't hardly ever cry though. Some days he wants 4 bottles some days its 5 and even sometimes he will want 6. I am so chill this time around I'm like okay whatever makes you happy baby boy! Hopefully he can get used to food more and eat less formula here pretty soon!
We are so close to sitting up! He leans forward still... it won't be long though!
He is such a spaz; he loves sitting in the high chair and playing with toys on his tray... it's pretty funny watching him go for those toys so frantically!
He is teething like crazy, but we still don't have any!
He mostly sleeps through the night; we might have one or two nights a week where he wakes up around 4 and wants a bottle. If so, he goes back to sleep afterwards. I'm hoping its just his teething phase waking him up and hopefully they can come in soon!
Hunter is loving his baby brother. He melts my heart when he hugs and loves on him so often! We took Lane to Nashville this past weekend to watch Jared run and when we returned Hunter said I missed my brother! SO SWEET! <3
Here are a few pictures of month 5 with this sweetie pie!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hunter lately- 2 years 4 months

We got Hunter potty trained 2 moths after he turned 2. It was so much easier this time around! When we first tried potty training at 22 months he was not quite ready. This time, it was so evident that he was ready! He understood it better and even if he went in his underwear he would tell me and then he would finish going on the toilet. We started by having him sit on a toddler toilet seat and this worked for awhile. He did really well with going poop on the potty.. it took a little longer to get the hang of going pee. I'd say after a week he was having 1 or less accidents a day. Then we went a few weeks with no accidents. Then randomly after he had been trained for awhile he starting having multiple accidents a day. It started with just accidents for granny, then for everyone else except us, then he started having them for us too. I was so annoyed and did a little searching only to find it was normal for kids to go through a rough patch after they have already been trained. So instead of spanking when he had accidents we decided to try something new and get a stool and let him try taking ownership of the whole thing. He now can go in there and go pee by himself using the stool. We still like to supervise but he does do a good job going alone!

When we first started training we started with the thick gerber training underwear. These were so nice because even when he did have an accident if it was just a little bit it didnt ruin his shorts, socks, and shoes! Now if it was a lot of pee then it didnt matter and he would have to change everything. We are now using normal underwear and he is doing great!

He says the funniest things and always keeps us laughing. He has the craziest vocabulary for a 2 year old! We are going to put him in pre-school next year to get him some socialization. Hopefully he can get a little better with his speech too. He knows any word and can talk in sentences but the way he talks is not exactly normal haha. He used to stutter a little bit and we told him to slow down and he basically stopped stuttering. Now instead he elongates syllables to keep from stuttering. Its not a huge deal but being around other kids and seeing how they talk may help with this, I don't know!
Hunter knows every color, the common shapes, counts to 20 and can keep going if we help him a little. He knows the abc song, itsy bitsy song, patty cake, and others! He can identify the letter H and knows how to spell his name... I am hoping to get him writing his name before pre-school next year!

If there is one thing he loves most its his baby brother. I love seeing him kiss and hug on Lane. He is constantly telling him to smile and giving him kisses. My favorite is when he says I love you baby Lane <3 Melts a momma's heart! These two are my pride and joy... along with their daddy! We are one blessed family! Thank you God!

Lane: 4 months

At 4 months old Lane loves to talk, smile, laugh and be talked to! He is even more content than his big brother was at this age, which is nice trying to handle 2 kids! He is just the easiest kid to get to sleep to. You literally just have to hold him on his side and pat his but for a second and he is out! Lane so far doesn't need his butt pat in his crib like Hunter did. I am hoping we don't have to start that again! So far so good though!

The doctor gave us the green light for starting cereal. She said to feed him once a day and start with cereal and then move to oatmeal and food after a week or so on the cereal. So excited to see him try new things!
Right now he is eating 4x a day 7oz bottles. He usually eats at 7,11,4,8
He sometimes breastfeeds and other times gets the pumped milk. He puts his hands on the bottle but doesnt seem close to holding it yet.
His sleep schedule is typically morning nap around 9, afternoon nap around 12:30 and evening nap around 6.

As far as development goes, he is starting to reach for toys but mostly reaches for his paci! He is always putting his hands in his mouth and chewing on them! He sat in his exersaucer for the first time today too! He still hasn't rolled over. His doctor said that is more of a 5-6 month development. He does seem to have a really strong head and trunk stability though so maybe he will start sitting up in the next month or so!

He is wearing size 3 diapers, and size 6-9 month clothes. He weighs 16 pounds 4  oz and he is 26 inches long. He was in the 75% for weight and 90% for height.

He hasn't really lost any more hair since 3 months so hopefully that was all he will lose! He is staring to get some back in on that one side too, yay!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Lane 3 months

Lane is now 3 months old! Time is flying by with this little guy! He's the sweetest little boy! I absolutely love his personality he is starting to get! He is such a sweetie pie! His favorite thing is just sitting on our lap and talking to us! He gets a huge grin every time we talk to him and he starts talking back. He is a very content baby too. He will sit in his swing or bouncy seat and let us play with big brother for awhile which we are grateful for! Lane loves to laugh too. He is ticklish on his neck; it is too cute!

He weighs 14.6 at 3 months and he was 26" long when I measured him.
He is still sleeping all night- usually he goes down around 9 and sleeps till 7 or 7:30.
He was on a schedule during the day but it has already kind of changed. His typical schedule now is wake up at 7 and eat, stay awake or cat nap for a little bit, eat again around 10:30 or 11 and then he is usually down for a long nap from around 11:30-3. Eat around 3, eat around 6, nap again for a short 30-60 minutes, and eat and bed at 9. He is still eating breastmilk that I pump and luckily I am still able to keep up with his appetite! He is eating 6 oz each time. I am only needing to pump 3 times a day so that has been nice too!

Lane is wearing 6 month clothes and we just switched him to size 3 diapers
He loves when big brother talks to him
still loving that pacifier too!
He is starting to lose his hair only on one side though, haha hopefully he doesnt lose it all!
I'm looking forward to the next few months when he will hopefully start to sit up and eat some baby food! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Lane: 2 Months!

At 2 months Lane weighs 13 pounds and he is 24 inches long. He was in the 75% for weight and 90% for height. Lane is doing great! He is still not on a schedule but we just go with the flow and let him sleep when he wants. He definitely sleeps better in his bed now rather than his car seat. He started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks when we put him on his belly. He typically sleeps 9pm-6am. He then usually eats and goes back to sleep until about 9. Lane is in 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. He's eating 6 oz bottles 5-6 times a day.

I am still pumping and he is still getting breast milk exclusively. I am lucky that my supply is keeping up with our big boy! I normally pump 3-4 times a day. Morning, lunch, sometimes dinner, and then before bed.

Lane is developmentally right where he should be. He started holding his head up very well at about 6 weeks as well as smiling, cooing, and looking at toys. He is a great baby so far and we love our chubby little guy! Hunter is a great big brother to baby Lane and we are blessed with 2 cute boys! Love them!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Lane: 1 Month

Our sweet baby Lane is one month old today! He is weighing in at a whopping 10.6! I am so happy he is gaining weight and doing so well with eating! We are exclusively pumping now which I find more comfortable and just easier. Some people say how is it easier when you have to do twice the work?! It's easier because I can pump while I feed him and he eats a bottle so much faster than he ate off of me! I also only take about 15 minutes to pump and usually get more than he is able to eat so I store the rest! This has helped me get quite the stock pile going already! However, he is already eating 5-6 ounces so the amount I'm able to save is dwindling!

At 1 month Lane is still a very sleepy boy. He is hardly ever awake, but he is starting to be awake more! He usually eats every 3-4 hours during the day and 4-5 hours at night. His normal night routine is to eat at 9:30, 2:30, and 7 am.

He is a content baby! We haven't hardly ever heard him cry. If he does cry that usually means he has a belly ache. I was using the medela bottles since they hooked
 to my pump but I recently realized that Dr. browns bottles also hook to my pump! Yay! So, I switched to those and I cant believe the difference! I love those dr. browns!

Lane is definitely a paci baby! I can't wait until he can find it and put it back in himself though, haha.

He is still able to wear newborn and 0-3 month clothes but he is in size 1 diapers now.

He is getting good at holding his head up but still doesn't do it for more than a minute...

Hunter still loves his baby brother! However, today I was feeding Lane and Hunter was kissing his feet... all was well until Hunter decided to bite poor Lane's toes! This was the first time Hunter had done anything like this and hopefully it will be the last! :(

We love our baby Lane!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Lane 2 weeks

Baby Lane is such a blessing to us! He has been the best baby so far and we love him so much! Hunter is constantly kissing and hugging on him. We are still workin on a schedule but for the most part Lane is eating at 7am, 10, 2, 6, 9:30, and 2. Although last night Lane had his first all night sleep! I couldn't believe it! I woke up at 2:30 and checked on him and he was still sleeping away. The next time I woke up it was 6am!! I was needing to feed so I woke him up and fed then he ate again at 8 he was pretty hungry! I would love it if he was sleeping through the night already but I am not getting my hopes up... although I know he can do it since he did it once! We sure are blessed with babies that sleep! I count my blessings daily for our sweet babies!

At Lane's 2 week appointment he was up to 7 pounds and 14 oz; he was 20.5 inches long so he had gained quite a bit back! He was 6.10 when he left the hospital... I think we are going to have a chunker in no time!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Hunter is 2!

Our first baby suddenly seems so grown up now that we have Lane in our family too! We got a chance to celebrate Hunter's 2nd birthday the day before Lane was born! We had a nice big party out at papa and grandma's house. Hunter had a blast swimming with his cousins and Brynlee. This was your last big party I'm planning Hunter so I hope you had fun! I decided our kids will get big birthdays with both sides of both families and then from 3 on we will just do separate little get togethers that don't require me being in the kitchen all day or spending a ton of time and money on decorations and such.

At 2 Hunter can....

not go potty on the big boy potty yet.. grr! I was really hoping this would be accomplished early but oh well. He does tell us when he's poopy but doesn't seem to care about sittin in a wet diaper or wet undies for that matter!

talks a lot... all the time

finally answers questions with "ya" or "yes"... for the last month when we would ask him "Do you want to go outside and play?" if he didn't want to he had no problem saying no but if he did want to he would just repeat the question.... he finally answers correctly. Now if we could only get him to stop talking in the 3rd person, haha. We constantly hear "Hunter wants juice.. Hunter wants to hold baby Lane... Hunter wants to go outside.."

Eats most foods although he doesn't seem to like pasta unless its in chicken noodle soup or macaroni and cheese. Any other casserole type dish that has pasta he will most likely not want it. I'd say his favorite food is tacos or chicken nuggets. He does love "mash matatoes" too!

He is constantly cracking us up by the things he says! Today he got a bike from papa and grandma for his 2nd birthday and they wheeled it out and he said Hunter got a motorcycle!
The other day I told him we were going to go to McDonalds and get daddy some supper and he was legit mad at me when we pulled in and it wasn't Old McDonald's farm!

He's pretty average for his weight at 30 pounds, and he is 36" tall at 2. The doctor predicts him to be 6.0 feet tall... we will see!

His favorite things right now are playing outside, riding his motorcycle, riding the gator and the ranger, riding in daddy's truck so he can listen to the chicken song, and he loves the Lorax movie.

Hunter you are a sweet little boy and we love you to pieces! I have seen a little attitude pop up in the last few weeks that I'm sure is coming with your age... don't worry we still love you, you may just get a few more spankings here and there to come, haha. We are so proud of the big brother that you are becoming and we love seeing how loving you are to "baby Lane". I wish I could freeze time because I know that I will look back and read this and wonder where time went! You are such a sweetie pie and are so friendly to others. We love you bubby!