Sunday, September 7, 2014

Lane 3 months

Lane is now 3 months old! Time is flying by with this little guy! He's the sweetest little boy! I absolutely love his personality he is starting to get! He is such a sweetie pie! His favorite thing is just sitting on our lap and talking to us! He gets a huge grin every time we talk to him and he starts talking back. He is a very content baby too. He will sit in his swing or bouncy seat and let us play with big brother for awhile which we are grateful for! Lane loves to laugh too. He is ticklish on his neck; it is too cute!

He weighs 14.6 at 3 months and he was 26" long when I measured him.
He is still sleeping all night- usually he goes down around 9 and sleeps till 7 or 7:30.
He was on a schedule during the day but it has already kind of changed. His typical schedule now is wake up at 7 and eat, stay awake or cat nap for a little bit, eat again around 10:30 or 11 and then he is usually down for a long nap from around 11:30-3. Eat around 3, eat around 6, nap again for a short 30-60 minutes, and eat and bed at 9. He is still eating breastmilk that I pump and luckily I am still able to keep up with his appetite! He is eating 6 oz each time. I am only needing to pump 3 times a day so that has been nice too!

Lane is wearing 6 month clothes and we just switched him to size 3 diapers
He loves when big brother talks to him
still loving that pacifier too!
He is starting to lose his hair only on one side though, haha hopefully he doesnt lose it all!
I'm looking forward to the next few months when he will hopefully start to sit up and eat some baby food! 

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