Wednesday, March 28, 2012

belly button and linea negra

Just this week I have felt like my belly button was really sore! I thought this was strange. A few inches above my belly button is also very sore. I googled to see if this was normal during pregnancy, yep, just another fun side effect. They say around 26-28 weeks your stomach muscles and skin above belly button really start stretching and this puts pressure on the belly button. Ouch! It's not comfortable! I looked at my belly button today and it even looks bruised to me! The coloring is a little purplish looking. Weird... Anyone else ever have this problem?

My "dark line" or linea negra has appeared. It started becoming noticable a few weeks ago. Just recently it has grown to above my belly button and it's gotten darker. For those of you who don't know, its just a line down the middle of your stomach that is usually brown. When you are pregnant your body produces more pigment, so for some reason this increased pigment forms a line down your stomach! I'm hoping the increased pigment will allow me to get a little tan soon :) I'm not a big  "fake" tanner since Jared hates it, but I do like to go a few times throughout winter so I don't look so pastey white. I haven't been able to do that this winter! I can't wait till school is out so I can go lay out at my dads pool during the day and get some sun! :)


  1. I had the belly pain with both of mine. It is weird. Dr Halley said its a pressure point and it won't go away til the baby moves. It did hurt!

  2. Okay good to know I'm not the only one!! I have an appointment next week and was going to ask her about it! I can't press on it or it kills!!
