Thursday, March 22, 2012

What does 25 weeks bring?

25 weeks pregnant brings swelling and heartburn for me!

The swelling was first noticed in my feet last Friday. I didn't think anything of it, because basically every pregnant women experiences swollen feet. I know the drill- elevate feet, reduce sodium, stay off your feet as much as possible. I am not so good at staying off my feet. That is hard! I can't imagine having to do it with another child to take care of... its hard enough now! Being a teacher makes it hard to stay off my feet. If I'm not up at the board teaching, I'm walking around the room helping kids with their papers. We don't have a lot of down time at school with 5 and 6 year olds! Today my friend let me borrow her rolling chair during math. I went to show my friend my feet and she's like oh my gosh why is it only one foot?! Hmm, good question! I let it go for a day and then when it happened today I called my Dr. just to see what they said. She said to watch it and let her know if it continues. I have had my feet elevated for about 45 minutes now and it still looks noticably more swollen. So I took a picture to compare!

Here is my swollen ankle on left foot! My calf is a little swollen as well.

Here is my normal right foot- notice the flip flop tan line already! Ha thats from recess duty at school!

Here is the left side- swollen foot and ankle

Other than the swelling, I got some pretty bad heart burn today after lunch! Ouch! I was tryin to push my food down I could almost feel the acid rising!!


  1. Soak your foot in a bucket of ice, it will help reduce the swelling. Weird that it's only one foot. Been there, you can ask Jen bout my elephant feet fom Ian! They were pretty bad.

  2. thanks steph! I actually did talk to her about that the other day! I told her my feet were swollen and she said she remembers you had to wear flip flops all the time to work when you were pregnant with Ian!
