Monday, April 23, 2012

Baby Shower

My family threw us an awesome baby shower this past weekend! Everything was so cute and perfect! Jen and Kate did a great job planning and organizing everything. There were lots of great friends and family who were able to make it! Jared and I were definitely feeling blessed, that's for sure. We got so many great gifts too; everyone was so generous! The theme of the shower was owls, just like our nursery. They went with pink and blue accent decor; it was adorable. Jen found super cute invites off ebay and they had matching stuff you could buy with it like balloons, table cloths, napkins, etc. She had a cute idea to use pink and blue buckets with plants in them as the center pieces which were also the gifts for the game winners.

We played the toilet paper game where they had to guess how many squares of tp it took to wrap around my belly. Any guesses?? We had guesses anywhere from 2-18! haha Now the guess of 2 was obviouslly a joke! My belly actually measured 11 squares. Not toooooo terribly big, haha. Although I am growing rather quickly! I cant believe we only have 10 weeks to go, or less hopefully! I finally feel like the baby could come and I would be prepared... mostly because we have a car seat and stuff now.

Jen and Kate came over last night to help me organize all of the gifts. It was fun! we made lots of piles: food, books, toys, clothes, towels, diapers, wipes, and more! We didn't get too many duplicates either. It's no big deal on the ones that we did since they were from wal-mart, we will just exchange them for either the high chair, the newborn rock and sleeper, the swing, and/or the walker. I do have another shower this Friday from the girls at work so we'll wait till after that to do exchanges. After that though, we should be set! Jen has a jumperoo and since we won't need it for many more months I'll prob. just try and buy hers when Carson is done with it in a few months if we don't get one of those!

I couldn't have asked for a better day! I appreciate all of the time and money and effort they put into it and all of the people who helped as well! We can't wait to see this baby! We have a sonogram a week from tomorrow and I'm SOO anxious to see if we can see it's face! I want to know if he/she has hair and chubby cheeks, haha :)

Here are a few pictures from the shower! I was so grateful my grandparents made the long trip from Georgia just to be a part of my shower!

lots of yummy food! 
Cute owl themed diaper cake made by Granny

Loads and loads of gifts!

My momma, sister Kate, me, sister Jen, and grandma Jackie

I'm sorry I didn't get pictures with other people! I gave my camera to my cousin to snap pictures during the shower and didn't even think to get some with others friends and family!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nursery Updates

There have been a few added updates to the nursery! I was going to wait to post more pictures until the nursery is completely done, but changed my mind! It's too cute; had to share!
Jared did an awesome job at painting a tree on the wall! It's exactly what I had in mind :) I ordered some brown vinal to do an owl with my cricut. Once the baby is here I'll add another owl in either green or purple! The owls will be added to the tree shortly! Above the crib there will also be baby's name in just a few more months.

Sunday while I was at Emily's bridal shower, Jared put together the changing table. It's awesome! I think we are really going to like it! It's big enough that we can fit a changing pad and wips/accesories on top if needed!

Didn't he do a great job?!
 changing table all put together!
Our sad little book shelf that has no books yet!

Only 10 and a half more weeks until my due date! We can't wait to meet you baby Yager! Feel free to come anytime after June 16th since mommy's in a wedding that day! :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

Today is good Friday. I enjoyed my nice day off work... but I didn't enjoy it without thinking about the REAL reason for Good Friday/Easter. Honestly, Easter bunnies/baskets/eggs drive me nuts because I seriously don't see how they have ANYTHING to do with the real meaning behind Easter. I understand its a fun things for kids to do, and yes I'll probably do something like that when our kids are old enough, but growing up we were always reminded of the real meaning before we got a chance to eat any candy or do any egg hunts, etc. At my dad's this year we're doing something called resurection eggs. It's something Jen brought up that she wanted to do and they sound like a good idea! Apparently you put different things in eggs and the different things help tell the Easter story... bread, a cross, thorn, etc. There are verses from the bible that go with each egg and it's item. I'll let you know how those go!

Today, a friend texted me and asked if  it was our church that was carrying a cross around town? I was really confused becuase I hadn't heard anything about it but she thought she knew one of the guys doing it. So, I asked around, and it just so happens it was one of our pastors and his friend.  Apparently they used to do this in their hometown on Good Friday to bring awareness of the real meaning behind today. I think it is a great idea! I was thinking to myself, man that cross was huge, and heavy! I bet they were tired..and hot. Then it dawned on me, duh! That's the point! Think about how heavy the cross would have felt to Jesus as he carried it after he was beaten half to death. Wow, what a price he paid... and for me?... for you? If you don't know the Easter story, or maybe you do and you just need refreshed I enourage you to re-read it in the book of Matthew, or even just watch the movie Passion of the Christ.. It's impossible to watch that movie and not sob! Incredible story of our God's love and sacrifice for our sins!

If you aren't going to church on Easter Sunday, you , should! New Hope is having a service Saturday night at 6 and Sunday at 8:15, 9:45, and 11:15. My sister is giving her testimony through video form, I'm so excited to hear her story of how she gave up the things of this world to live for God.

I often think... "is what you're living for worth what He died for?"

Jesus' return is coming!

Are you ready?

28 week appointment

Today I had the dreaded 28 week appointment. Why was it dreaded you ask? Because I had to do the glucose test and  get blood drawn.. yuck. The glucose test was first. I drank a whole cup of orange flavored drink... the best way I can describe it is a very sweet, flat, orange soda. Then they make you wait an hour before getting blood drawn. So I saw Dr. Haller in the mean time.
My weight gain since last appointment was 5 pounds. My weight gain overall is 12 pounds, woo hoo! If I can just keep it to 4-5 every 4 weeks that would be awesome!
My blood pressure was 118/64 and baby's heart rate was 134. She said everything is in the normal range, yay.

I asked her about my stomach tightening and she said yep thats just Braxton Hicks contractions. I guess my body is gettin ready for the real deal in a few months!

I also asked her about my belly soreness and she said there is a ligament above my belly button that is gettin stretched and that's causin the pain, normal as well. My swelling was good today so she didn't get to see that. She wants to see me again in 3 weeks for our last sonogram! YAY! May 1st we'll get to hopefully see baby's face again :) She also said baby is head down right now, but that could change as he/she gets bigger.

Nothing else too exciting though. I'll get my glucose results next week. Crossin my fingers for a passed test!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

27 weeks

Yesterday I was 27 weeks! That means by Saturday I'll officially be in my 3rd trimester! YAY! I am excited to have a baby in 3 months :) If you think about it, 3 months isn't that long! Christmas was over 3 months ago! The next 3 months are going to fly by. My baby shower is in 3 weeks, school gets out in 7 weeks, then I'll just have 6 more weeks after school lets out. I know I'll be busy those last 6 weeks gettin last minute stuff ready for the baby to come, and Emily's wedding is in like 10 weeks! So, I'm sure I'll be helpin her with stuff after school gets out too. I can't wait! Summer will be so fun :)

I feel like my belly just keeps goin out, haha, it's pretty round! I am not complainin about how I look though because I know its all for a good cause :) I do have to say, I already miss wearin normal clothes! Oh well.. it won't be long!

Here is an updated belly pic:

How big is baby?
Well, baby now weighs around 2 pounds! He/She is about 14 and 1/2 inches long. The baby will only grow about another 6 inches, but will start gainin weight like crazy here soon.

I have another appointment next Friday, so I'll update on heart rate and weight gain then. I think my scale is a little off so I'm stayin with the Dr. scale to be accurate. I can't wait for my next sonogram which should be about 5 weeks. We will get to see how big baby is comparitively!

Lazy Sunday

I have decided that Sundays are officially my favorite day of the week. Even better than Saturday!! We start our day off right by getting in some God time and I love getting to see all of our church friends too! Then we usually head over to my dad's for Sunday lunch- stay about an hour, and head home to do what we love... relax. I'm usually in some sort of baking/cleaning/sewing mood. Those are really truly my 3 favorite things to do! We usually hang out around our house until about 5 or so and then head over to my mom's for dinner. Sunday is very much a family day! We plan to keep it that way as we raise our children too. We are usually home by 7 and enjoying an evening of some T.V. or a movie together. Whats not to love about that kind of day!?

Today, after we got home from my dad's house Jared started mowing and I started cleanin. He came in and played some X-Box and I started sewing. Here is what I worked on today! I finally made a hooded towel for our baby and not one for someone else! I have been makin them like crazy, but they are always orders from other people- which is fine too!

Here is our baby's first hooded towel. (I'm on a green and brown kick, I love it!)

I also made a few more burp cloths for baby! This one is brown flannel with yellow backing

 And this one is green flannel with brown backing

Yesterday Jared started painting the tree on the wall. I went and bought all different colors for the leaves so we'll see if we get to painting the leaves today or not!

Hope you had a great Sunday as well!