Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nursery Updates

There have been a few added updates to the nursery! I was going to wait to post more pictures until the nursery is completely done, but changed my mind! It's too cute; had to share!
Jared did an awesome job at painting a tree on the wall! It's exactly what I had in mind :) I ordered some brown vinal to do an owl with my cricut. Once the baby is here I'll add another owl in either green or purple! The owls will be added to the tree shortly! Above the crib there will also be baby's name in just a few more months.

Sunday while I was at Emily's bridal shower, Jared put together the changing table. It's awesome! I think we are really going to like it! It's big enough that we can fit a changing pad and wips/accesories on top if needed!

Didn't he do a great job?!
 changing table all put together!
Our sad little book shelf that has no books yet!

Only 10 and a half more weeks until my due date! We can't wait to meet you baby Yager! Feel free to come anytime after June 16th since mommy's in a wedding that day! :)

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