Sunday, April 1, 2012

27 weeks

Yesterday I was 27 weeks! That means by Saturday I'll officially be in my 3rd trimester! YAY! I am excited to have a baby in 3 months :) If you think about it, 3 months isn't that long! Christmas was over 3 months ago! The next 3 months are going to fly by. My baby shower is in 3 weeks, school gets out in 7 weeks, then I'll just have 6 more weeks after school lets out. I know I'll be busy those last 6 weeks gettin last minute stuff ready for the baby to come, and Emily's wedding is in like 10 weeks! So, I'm sure I'll be helpin her with stuff after school gets out too. I can't wait! Summer will be so fun :)

I feel like my belly just keeps goin out, haha, it's pretty round! I am not complainin about how I look though because I know its all for a good cause :) I do have to say, I already miss wearin normal clothes! Oh well.. it won't be long!

Here is an updated belly pic:

How big is baby?
Well, baby now weighs around 2 pounds! He/She is about 14 and 1/2 inches long. The baby will only grow about another 6 inches, but will start gainin weight like crazy here soon.

I have another appointment next Friday, so I'll update on heart rate and weight gain then. I think my scale is a little off so I'm stayin with the Dr. scale to be accurate. I can't wait for my next sonogram which should be about 5 weeks. We will get to see how big baby is comparitively!

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