Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Monday was rough. Not because Hunter didn't do well, but because I didn't get to stay with Hunter during his surgery. I had decided since I've missed so many days this year I would be okay with letting Jared take Hunter to the hospital for his surgery... Mistake. I cried all day Sunday because I was upset I had to work and couldn't be with my baby! Then my sister planned a freezer meal planning day and some of my friends were going and discussing it and I knew I couldn't attend that either :( so, it was just a sucky day!!

I actually thought I might be able to make it to the surgery because we had to be there (Sara bush) at 6am. So I thought I'd drive separate and since the surgery was only going to take a few minutes I thought I'd stay and then go to work when he was done. Well... We got there at 5:50 and sat around till I finally had to leave at 7:15 and they hadn't taken him yet :( I cried once again... He was getting very tired and hungry! Poor guy hadn't eaten and had to sit around forever.  He was a cranky mess when I left! And reaching for me as I walked away didn't make me feel any better.
Apparently right when I left they took him back though. It lasted about 15 minutes and Jared said he came back a very cranky dude. Doctor told Jared that hunter had lots of gunk behind his right ear and that it may bleed a little more.
Since we've been home he slept the first night and was up at his normal time in the morn... Darn! I thought maybe he would start sleeping in! I guess I shouldn't complain about 7:00 am. The next night he cried out at midnight for just a few minutes. He may have been cold though cause I covered him and pat his butt and he was back asleep till the morning. He seems to be doing well and I haven't seen him tugging on his ears which is good! He also seems to be jabbering and blabbing more... Saying bahhhhh a lot. Not sure if that means bah-bah or what?? It's cute :)  so glad my little guy got some relief! Hoping for no more sets!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring Fever

I am so excited for warmer weather! I was much anticipating a 60 degree sunny Saturday. It did finally get up to about 55 but it wasn't very sunny until about 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I really wanted to bring Hunter out to the trek trail and do some walking or running. However, it was windy and didn't quite feel warm enough yet.

Sunday (today) was warmer and we got to get outside a little bit. Hunter and his cousins rode the gator for a bit while we were at dad's for lunch! I seriously can't wait until Hunter can run around with those boys! He will have so much fun! I can't wait for summer time at papa's in the pool every chance we can get! Love my big boy! We can't wait to go on walks and hang out everyday! 11 more weeks of school!!!! It can't come soon enough!

Friday, March 8, 2013

9 months!

I've been slacking on the blog lately! I guess that's what happens when you're a full time workin mom who's trying to find time for all sorts of people and activities every week!
We are loving this 9 month stage Hunters in. He is such a fast crawler you can't take your eyes off of him! At 9 months Hunter is:
- eating less (this could be caused by the constant chronic ear infections) the doctor told me its amazing how happy he is considering the pain he's in... Poor babe!
- has been on antibiotics for 3 months straight for a never ending ear infection that even a shot didn't cure!
-is FINALLY getting tubes!!!!!!! Yay!!!! It's money well spent! Dr said hunter failed his hearing test... So that's our main concern. He's hearing at 35-40 decibels which people normally talk at 40-45 so he said basically Hunters hearing is muffled like he's underwater... :(
-sleeping off and on through the night because of pain if he wakes up we are supposed to give him tylonol and ib profin. So he gets that quit frequently.
- we are starting to wean down to 3 bottles a day per dr... She said within the next month or 2 but he's pretty well doing it on his own already... Sometimes skipping his supper bottle (5pm)
- wearing 12-18 months
-size 4 diapers
- 22 lbs 15 oz and 29" long
- taking 2 naps a day still usually about 1.5-2.5 hours each
- sleeping from about 7:30-6:30 at night
-loves Mickey, doc mcstuffins, and chugington
- waves bye and claps all hours of the day haha
-goes to anyone! No stranger anxiety! Friendliest kid ever!
-antsy, nosy and in to everything!!
- pretty well done with the jumperoo and exersaucer
-standing on his own for a few seconds when he doesn't lean into mom and dad right away
-stands against toys and walks with his toy walker with little assistance
- favorite word is dada for sure... Says it all day long
Happiest little boy I've met! Cutest too :) haha love you Hunter Wayne!