Monday, November 11, 2013

17 Month Update

Our little toddler is so much fun and has so much personality! We are loving this stage! He is so fun! I can't wait for Christmas with him this year! <3

Little chatter box can say anything, literally. We have a book of shapes and he can repeat all of them and name circle and star on his own... and sometimes oval. He's such a little smarty! He repeats everything we say and doesn't seem to forget anything. I was changing his diaper and he held on to my hand and said rings. Little things like that I don't even know how he knows random words like that. I'm tellin you, his vocabulary is amazing for a 17 month old. He can say 2 and 3 word phrases now... some of his most common ones are: watch elmo, shoes on, let me out, diaper on, jammies on, shoes off, go bye bye.

My absolute favorite thing he says is "wow". He whispers it every time!! He got this from my dad because my dad looks at deer magazines with him and always says wow when he sees the deer. So, Hunter now says wow anytime he sees anything camo or deer related. We went to Wal-Mart today and he saw a camo bed sheet and whispered wow!! Its so freakin cute I cant help but kiss him when he does that! His memory is amazing I hope it stays like that when he gets older! School will be a breeze if he can remember everything!
A few weeks ago we were at Jared's dads and Jared's brother Nate was playing an elmo video on his phone. He put the phone up to a long vacuum tube and Hunter was listening on the other end. Now every time Hunter sees my vacuum hose he says Elmo, haha. I just can't get over the things he doesn't forget!

Some of his favorites at this time are: Elmo, Giggle bellies, books, juice, "nacks" as he calls snacks, "outide" as he calls going outside, and believe it or not he is like his momma and likes to go bye bye. I've never been one to just sit at home and relax for a whole day or more. I like to get things done and be on the go and so does my boy!

I haven't had a good look inside his mouth lately but I think he has 2 top molars and 2 bottom molars making it a total of 12 teeth.

He is wearing 24 month clothes and some 2T shirts but the sleeves are a little long still. He is wearing size 6 shoes. He should be going for his 18 month check up in about a month or so, so we will get updates on weight and height then!

Here is a picture of our latest photo shoot with Lydia at Candid's by Lydia!