Saturday, March 7, 2015

Lane 9 months

Our little Lane is growing up and doing so many new tricks! His newest trick is pulling up in his crib to a standing position. He can also clap now! I bet he will be pulling up on furniture and then walking before we know it! I am not ready for that!

At 9 months Lane is weighin in at 22 pounds still. He has his official appointment this week so I'll get where he is on the charts after that. I believe he is slowing down though! He still seems tall but not near as chubby. I guess crawling everywhere is burning off some calories! He is still wearing 12 and some 12-18 month clothes, size 4 diaper.

He will no longer eat baby food. He wants nothing to do with it! I have started buying the little individual containers of veggies and he loves those. He can eat a whole container plus some! Its nice that he is so good at feeding himself too! His favorite foods right now are peas, green beans, corn, peaches, eggs, and mac n cheese! He wants to feed himself all of these foods!

He doesn't say many words yet. We have heard hi and dada. Officially his first word was hi though, haha. He still jabbers a lot just nothing we know as words.

His temper is growing! Diaper changes, and not getting what he wants will result in a full on scream with the legs kickin. This boy's temper is fierce! I believe he will be a strong willed child! He has such a sweet temperament too. He loves to cuddle and when you make him smile he buries his head into your shoulder for a hug. First thing in the morning he wants a hug too! There was one day he had snot on him and I already had my work clothes on so I tried holding him out and he threw a fit because he wanted snuggled right away! He still has a paci too. He isn't super attached though so I think he will be easy to break.

We are in the middle of packing up our house for our big move in the next 6 weeks! So, I hope the boys do okay with that! I don't think it will bother Lane except that we may have to live with my aunt for a week or so in between houses and Lane doesn't like the pack n play too well. So, we'll see how he does with that!

Time to lower the crib!!