Monday, August 4, 2014

Lane: 2 Months!

At 2 months Lane weighs 13 pounds and he is 24 inches long. He was in the 75% for weight and 90% for height. Lane is doing great! He is still not on a schedule but we just go with the flow and let him sleep when he wants. He definitely sleeps better in his bed now rather than his car seat. He started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks when we put him on his belly. He typically sleeps 9pm-6am. He then usually eats and goes back to sleep until about 9. Lane is in 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. He's eating 6 oz bottles 5-6 times a day.

I am still pumping and he is still getting breast milk exclusively. I am lucky that my supply is keeping up with our big boy! I normally pump 3-4 times a day. Morning, lunch, sometimes dinner, and then before bed.

Lane is developmentally right where he should be. He started holding his head up very well at about 6 weeks as well as smiling, cooing, and looking at toys. He is a great baby so far and we love our chubby little guy! Hunter is a great big brother to baby Lane and we are blessed with 2 cute boys! Love them!