Sunday, August 26, 2012


Oh how I love sleep, and I'm so glad my boy does too. Last Sunday he slept through the night, which he has done a few times before. But I'm happy to report he's done it every night since then! I'm amazed and SO happy he decided to start when I went back to work. YAY.. my little booger has perfect timing huh?! He sleeps from about 8pm-7am usually.. a few times its been 6am and a few times its been 8:30 am so just depends I suppose. However, anything after 6 is just fine by momma!

My baby is down to 3 naps a day. A long morning nap, a long afternoon nap, and a short evening nap. This is fine with me because then he's awake more during the day for me to see him more on Saturdays/Sundays. I'm so proud of my boy for skippin that night time bottle. He's down to 4 bottles a day as well, one around 8am, noon, 5pm, and 8pm and still eating about 5-7 oz just depending on the time and how much he ate earlier.

Love my little pumpkin! :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

miss my baby :(

I am not so much enjoying teaching as much this year as I did last year. It is SO hard leaving my baby everyday. When I get home from work he's usually fussy because its "just that time of night" so we usually do bath early around 730-8 and then he's off to bed. It sucks. Just plain sucks. I feel like everyone else gets to see him more than me! I am SOOOOOOOOO ready for this weekend where I can hang out with my boys all weekend.. except I do have to work at the Hilton Saturday night, uhh.
I am already ready for May...

However, that being said, I do have a pretty good group of kids this year. It didn't take them too long to catch on to the rules. I am ready for them to learn a little more so that I don't hve to take as much time explaining how to do things and writing simple letters. I enjoy them though. They are a great group of kids, all 21 of them! (one never showed up) I did put one kid on the wrong bus yesterday, whoops. Its so hard keeping track of this many kids!! I'm also ready for the weather to get a little cooler. It's much more enjoyable teaching all day when I'm not sweating like crazy!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Snow day? No... No Electricity day!

I've never gotten out of school because of a power outage! How cool! I had my first day at school yesterday which was a teacher's institute day. I didn't want to be there all day, but we were supposed to have parent night that night so I wasn't going to get home till about 7 or so that night. BUT we started getting some pretty bad rain, wind, and hail around 3:30. I didn't really think much of it and then the principal came over the intercom and told us to "take cover". I've never actually had to do this at school, only had a million drills for it. So the teachers in my wing went and chilled in the bathroom for awhile. Everyone was calling their loved ones and it was actually kind of scary. I am usually not scared of storms, but when you hear about a tornado being close, it's definitely freaky. I started thinking about Jared and Hunter and was just hoping they were okay! I can't imagine living life without them or any of my other family members!

After awhile we were told the tornado was passed. We looked outside and there were trees down on every corner of Windsor. So sad! I haven't heard of anyone getting hurt though, luckily!
Here are some pictures of trees near the school.
 Right outside a classroom

 This tree was completely up rooted!

Now that is some strong wind, yikes! This tree was only about 100 yards away from the
school, if that!
Needless to say there were so many downed power lines that I got a call at 5:30 AM saying there is no school today! The FIRST student day, and cancelled already. I wonder if this is foreshadowing of this winter?!


I have been feeing so blessed lately. We really have so much to be thankful for. I thank God for our home, jobs, son, family, friends, cars, health, and most of all relationship with Him. I can't imagine how my life would have turned out differently if my parents didn't take the time to invest in my faith and if I wouldn't have acted on it and did what I could to grow my relationship with Jesus. He is such an awesome God who loves us all so much. I heard pastor Van preached an awesome message on Sunday and I really want to listen to it since I missed it...
you can type this link into your search bar or click it...  it was August 12ths message called Minor Prophets by Van.

From what I heard, he talked about all of the signs pointing to the end times being NOW and prayed for our country. Can you believe we are in the end times? That is so exciting that Jesus will be coming back soon. Its scary how our world is becoming though, but it's all part of the end times. I kind of laugh when people talk about how the economy is so bad and surely it will get a lot better if we would just "get another president". I really don't believe it will ever get much better though... once again, it's all part of the end times.

I've been feeling a burden lately to share with more people about Him and His love. What do I have to lose? This life is temporary... I can't imagine not spending eternity with our friends and family.  I love the verse in Romans 10:9 "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is lord and God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." HOW SIMPLE! I don't believe we get to heaven by doing good deeds or being a nice person, or even by going to church. This verse states it so simply, confess! Once you confess that Jesus is lord, it's all about the relationship, not the religion. I have been so annoyed lately with people and their religions... Jesus didn't like religion. He just wants us to follow him, and repent from our sins. Why does religion have to be so complicated and so "ruley"? That is what annoys me. Its not about when you take communion, or how you pray, or what you sing, or how often you give money to the church... NOT AT ALL what we're called to do. We're called to live for him, and tell others about how much he loves us and cares for us. Have you done this lately? I'm guilty!!

I honestly have not been too stressed with going back to work lately and I think it's because I have this mind set of who cares, this life is short. WAY to short to spend it getting stressed out about the small things in life.. like if my floor is clean, or if my dishes are done, or what I'll teach next week. What about the kids who are going through real problems like not having food for a meal, or getting beaten by their dad, or those who have an serious illness. These are the people who we should be reaching, those who are hurting...
I think when I start to stress about small stuff I just remember, this life is temporary and that's now what I'm called to do is worry. When I worry and stress I'm basically saying, "Okay God, I can handle it, I don't need your help in life." Am I right?!

If you have been feeling blessed lately, good for you. I believe Jesus blesses those who are content with life.

Just sharing my thoughts friends.... feel blessed and share Jesus.

Monday, August 13, 2012

2 month appointment

The sun was in his eyes so don't mind them, but I love how you can see all his
neck rolls in this picture!

Today my baby boy had his 2 month appointment. He is such a porker! I can't believe he weighed 14 pounds 7 oz! I was thinking he'd weigh around 12, haha! He has officially doubled his birth weight, wow! He was 24 inches long and in the 75th% for his height. His weight he was in the 90th percentile... quite a difference from being in the 25th percentile at 2 weeks old! He's not wastin any time at catchin up! My chonkey monkey is about to move up to size 2 diapers and he's not so much fittin in 3 month sleepers anymore! So not much longer and those will be history! His shots went better than I expected today. He was so upset right when she put them in but after she was done I gave him a bottle and it made it all better. He fell asleep on the ride home and will probably be out for a few hours, poor little guy! My heard sank when he started crying, screaming :(

The time has come for me to go back to work, boo. Can't I just be a stay at home mom? I WISH! Maybe someday... ... I hate that with my job I can't be part time, because that would be awesome. I love teaching, but if I could do it just a few days a week I'd love it even more :) Unfortunately I did not choose a job that allows me to work part time, uhh. Hunter will miss me, I know it :) I'm already counting down till next summer, haha... I guess another reason I'm dreading going back to school is that my class is so big this year! 22 students compared to my 12 last year.. pray for me.. 22 five year olds!!!

I'm hoping Hunter stays with his sleep schedule because it won't be hard to get up for work if he keeps it up! Last night he had a bottle at 6:30 and then bath at 8:30... he was so sleepy he wouldn't stay awake to eat again so I just let him sleep and was preparing to get up around 1 to feed him.. however, I woke up at 5:00 am and freaked out because I hadn't fed him! I ran in to check on him and he was sound asleep! He woke up at 6 and ate, then went back down till 9:30! Such a sleepy boy! I was so happy he slept through the night again! We're havin more and more good nights lately!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Somebody's getting big! 2 months!

Hunter is 2 months old now :)
Wow, he's catchin up to his friends on weight already! He was about 2 pounds lighter than our friend's baby boy who was born a week earlier than Hunter and they're only a few ounces different now! Hunter's 2 month appointment is next Monday so I'll have the official weight length and percentiles then.. but on our scale he weighs 12 pounds! So, Hunter has doubled his weight already! I have a feeling we're gunna have a porker on our hands!

Look at these cheeks! He looks just like his momma here!

We just recently started puttin cereal in his bottle at night time. I know the Doctors now say not to until they're 4 months old but lots of people would say "all my kids had it at 4 weeks, or all my kids did it at 6 weeks!" So we went ahead and tried it at his 8 week mark. We make a 5 oz bottle and put 2 tablespoons in it before bed. Since we started doin that he went from 4 hour stretches at night to 6+. Yay! Last night he slept through the night for the first time! Woo Hoo! It was kind of a different night though.. we had a church picnik so we didn't get home till 10 last night. We fed him and put him to bed as soon as we got home and he slept till 5:30! Then he went back to sleep till 9:30! Yay! We also started puttin him on his belly to sleep at night time. So he officially sleeps in his crib full time now. Gettin so big! As far as sleep goes during the day, he still acts like a newborn! He takes about an hour or two long morning nap... then takes another around noon till about 3 then another around 4 till about 6 or so ... then goes to bed around 8. Such a sleepy kid!

Everytime Hunter crys I now know what's wrong, I love that! He is no longer having belly aches, yay! When he crys its now a tired or a hungy cry thank God. He does have a little bit of a fussy period though... just like his cousin Carson did. Hunter's fussy time is usually from that 6-8pm time period. For some reason his cousin Carson did the same thing. Another thing that Hunter has that's just like his cousin Carson is his sleepy eyes. When Hunter wakes up he has swollen puffy eyes! Carson does the same thing! They usually stay puffy for awhile too.

As far as clothes, Hunter is now wearing size 3 months. We had to go get some more summer 3 months clothes! I don't know if we'll be able to wear his winter 3 month stuff cause he's growin like a weed!

He's eatin about 5-6 ounce bottles about every 3-4 hours. He's still on the Enfamil Gentlease which has done wonders for him! No gas! No constipation! We are a happy boy on this stuff! A little spit up though- but I'll take it compared to the belly aches!

Developmentally Hunter is now smiling and holdin his head up pretty well! He's still not GREAT with his head but he's workin on it. His smiling is not as frequent as I'd like but he is smiling! I love seeing you smile everyday hunter! I cant wait till he gets more smiley and eventually laughs! :)  He does coo and goo now too!His favorite thing to do when he's awake is be held outside on the porch swing, lay under his play mat, or look at the fan. He's still not a huge fan of the bouncy seat or the swing but he will sit in them each for about 15 min before he gets bored with it.

We are loving every moment of raising this cute little boy who gets cuter each day!