Sunday, February 8, 2015

Lane 8 months

Lane at 8 months...

He is on the move! He has 2 teeth! What a big month of changes it has been! Mr. Lane is into EVERYTHING. I do not remember Hunter being so fast and so interested in things he can't have, haha. He will find any cord you have within 20 feet of him, and it will be in his mouth immediately. He will also find that microscopic piece of food you missed when you vacuumed 10 seconds ago. Holy Bejesus this kid is fast. I am finding that I have to vacuum daily and that is the whole house, not just the living room. He army crawls, like Hunter did, all through the house!

He seems to be less interested in his bottles lately too. He is all about the food! If you are eating he wants to be eating! He is eating 2 gerber baby foods at every meal, which means I have to buy a million of them every week! I have been starting to try some table food! He has had scrambled eggs, corn, and chewed on a breadstick, haha. He is loving the table foods! I just can't scoop his food into his mouth fast enough! He gets his little hands a waving and feet a kicking!

He is literally always happy, unless it's 8:00 pm and he is still awake, haha. He would rather be in bed sleeping. We are so blessed with such a happy guy! He is still sleeping great at night. Even though Hunter slept through the night early on he was always up with an ear infection. Lane has only had 1 and I didn't even know he had it! He still slept which is why I didn't even suspect it was bothering him. I am thinking he had it for like 2 weeks though because he was running a fever for that long on and off. That was also the week he got teeth too! Poor guy had a rough few weeks!

He is in 12-18 month clothes, 21 pounds, and 29 1/2 inches long when I measured him. He wears size 4 diapers, and he doesn't wear shoes very often but the ones he has are 6-12 month. I can't believe he will be walking in a few months! I love my baby and hate to think of him becoming a toddler soon! A lot of people don't love the baby stage but I do! I would love for him to stay a baby as long as possible! Although I know how fun the next stages of life are going to be too! I am so ready for my summer off with my babies! That is my most cherished time of the whole year! I always look so forward to it. With the weather becoming a little warmer it is making me so antsy for May to come!
I need to start thinking about the big first birthday party! Lane's not near as in to the TV as Hunter was so I may just do something cute instead of a character theme this year.

We just got Lane's pictures back from his 7 month photo shoot with Lydia! He is such a cutie I can hardly stand it! His hair looks a little more red in these than it is in person.
This picture captures his personality to a T! He is so sweet all the time! Such a cuddle bug and happy boy!

Loving on his brother! So adorable!