Sunday, November 25, 2012

Holidays- and a little sewing!

The holidays are officially here! This is my favorite time of the year! We just celebrated Thanksgiving and we had a great day with family! I say this every year, and we probably really will have to start rotating who's house we go to, because we had 3 places to go Thursday, 1 Sunday, and 1 Friday. That's a lot of family time and a lot of runnin! AND we didn't even make it to the Herboth side this year...
Christmas is looking like it will be the same way... We will have 2 on Christmas eve and probably 4 on Christmas... just not sure how we will fit all of that in! Especially when Big Boy likes his naps!

Anyways, this year I decided to make Hunter a Thanksgiving bib. I had seen one on Pinterest and just looked at the picture and tried my best to make it myself. It did turn out pretty cute- until he spit up all over it! :)
While I had my machine out I decide to make another tie onesie for him as well. I got some red and white fabric and made him a little Christmas one! Lydia came over to take a few pictures of him with some Christmas lights and stuff so I thought it would be really cute!
Here is one of the pictures that she took- she gave it to me in color and in black and white.. I just can't decide which version I like better!! He is just too cute :)

I was really glad Jared was off on the day after Thanksgiving this year! Not that I went shopping or anything, but it was a fun day of just hangin out and puttin up some Christmas decor! Here is a picture of our tree this year. I had always had white lights and promised Jared we could do color when we had kids- not knowing it wouldn't be long before we would have any! Oh well, it turned out pretty cute! We did run out of beads though, so as soon as Walmart gets more, we will have to re-stock our tree!

I can't wait unil Christmas! I love my little family!

First Illness

Well unfortunately Hunter had his first illness. It started with the sleepless nights. I was begining to think he was just going backwards on his sleep schedule. Then he spiked the fever. He had a fever of 102 for about 2-3 days.. I took off work and brought him in just to be sure it wasn't an ear infection or something. She checked his ears and what do you know, he did indeed have his first ear infection. I was really glad I decided to take him in! I guess I now know that if he's crying in his sleep, its probably his ears. She said a good sign it's ears is if he acts fine during the day but cries at night. This is due to the drainage that happens when they lay flat- good to know! She also said not to give him tylonol unless he was acting like he was hurting. Basically, giving it to him during the day just for his fever would prolong his infection. She said that he should only have it to bring a fever down if it's above 102... so we did give it to him for a few days since his was about 102.3 average... Luckily that went down. He started sleeping again after the antibiotics were in him a good 3-4 days. I stuck a blanket under his mattress to help his ears drain and that seemed to help right away too. We had one really really yucky night where he was up from 11-4 and nothing could soothe him.  After the propping of the bed, he did a lot better.

So after he was well again, I took out the blanket. Then he started rolling over in the middle of the night and waking up just talkin away. I was like well crap now he's wide awake at 1:00 A.M. I noticed that when his bed was propped he couldn't scoot up like he used to so I tried propping it again thinking maybe that would do the trick... nope! He still managed to squirm his way against the side of the crib and roll again! So, I got smart! I took two of his quilts and rolled them up. I put them on each side of him and basically he is sandwhiched now and can't roll or scoot! Problem solved! He does look a little funny though, haha.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A few bad nights to make you thankful

A night like last night sure makes me thankful for the wonderful nights of sleep I usually get! I wish these darn teeth would pop through! Hunter went down at 7:30 which was a bit early for him, but he was ready. To my surprise he was up at 12:30. I thought nothing much of it because after about 10-15 minutes of some hard butt patting he was back asleep. Then he woke up SCREAMING at 3, which never happens. I was afraid something was wrong... I tried patting his butt for about 10 minutes and when I noticed he wasn't falling back asleep, I got the tylonol out because I figured it was his teeth. He felt kind of warm to me, but I didn't take his temp. I got the tylonol in him at about 3:15 and he was still screaming at 3:30, so I got out the oragel and teething tablets. He finally fell back asleep. I thought for sure that would be it... I heard screaming again about 5. This time he was pretty awake, so I just went ahead and fed him. This is the earliest he's ever been fed. I didn't want him to think this is a new normal, so I laid him back down after his bottle to see what would happen and luckily he fell back asleep. So, it wasn't a pleasant night for me. I laid back down at 5:40 thinking I should just get up for the day... but I was just too tired. I fell right back asleep and slept right through my alarm at 6. I got up at 6:30 when Jared's alarm went off.

All I can say is THANK YOU GOD this is a "every once in a while" thing. When you aren't used to getting up, it makes it that much worse! You don't know how badly I wanted to stay in bed this morning and call into work! If only my sub plans would have been done, I may have been tempted enough. Instead, I slept in, didn't take a shower, wore a sweat shirt with black pants (horrific, I know) and threw my greasy hair up in a pony tail. Nice huh?
I don't even care, haha.
Life with kids I suppose! Still wouldn't trade it for the world!'s Jared's turn next ;)

5 months old!

No way?! 5 months already? AHH. I'm sad.  Seems like I was just coming home from the hospital...

 At school today there was a student's mom who just had a baby last week. She brought in the baby today and the baby was SO tiny! I thought to myself, no way was Hunter EVER that small?! The baby weighed 6'13... same as Hunter!

Hunter, your mommy and daddy continue to love you so much!
At 5 months you now:

-Continue to sleep through the night, usually about 11-12 hours at a time
-Continue to take long morning naps and long afternoon naps
-Have given up on the evening nap
-Never decided to be a thumb sucker or a paci baby... you just like to put both hands in your mouth at once, haha
-Love baby food! There hasn't been one so far that you haven't liked; I'm so glad you aren't picky or a texture baby thus far
-Eat fruit mixed with cereal in the mid morning or lunch and you eat a veggie at suppertime
-Still getting homemade baby food (2 ice cubes)
-Since you're eating more you don't usually drink as much formula... you have an 8 oz in the mornings and usually 6 oz during the day and then another 8 oz at night (we've skipped doing the cereal in the night time bottle)
-You usually go to bed at 8
-You give kisses! This is just the sweetest thing :) When mommy or daddy bend down to kiss you, you really open up and seem like you love the kisses!
-Just rolled over from belly to back for the first time this week! We found you on your back the next morning!
-Wearing size 9 month clothes and 12 month jammies
-Wearing size 3 diapers
-Slobbering ALL THE TIME.. your shirt is often soaked
-You are teething for sure, but have none yet
-You like to wiggle your way up in your crib. Lately you have been waking up at about 4 or 5am because your head is all the way at the other end of the crib... I just have to pull you down and you fall right back asleep luckily
-I am wondering if you will start scooting soon... you are starting to get up on your hands and knees for a short period of time
-Your favorite toy is the jumperoo; you also really like the stuffed dog and the vibrating bumble bee for your teeth!
-You are starting to recognize strangers. Lately you have been crying when you see daddy or I and a stranger is holding you.
-You coo, laugh, and scream quite a bit! The scream is so funny because you like to mimic daddy and talk back.
-We just got you weighed last week and you weighed 17 lbs and 12 oz and you were 27" long!

Monday, November 5, 2012

1 Corinthians 13:6

Marriage can be a hard thing at times. You get so busy with life and get caught up in other things that sometimes you forget what matters most. Sometimes you hurt your loved one without even realizing it...
It is really important not to get caught up in the things of the world. The bible says "Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy." We are proclaiming this verse over our family despite what Satan thinks he plans to do!!!

talking about love...1 Corinthians 13:6 "It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."