Thursday, January 21, 2016

Lane 19 months

Lane has made such great progress in his speech at this point! He has well over 50 words now. I am so thrilled at how well he is doing. He isn't saying sentences yet but we hear new words everyday. AND he's repeating everything we say now. 
When he and Hunter are taking turns playing with a toy and Lane is ready for his turn he yells  "me me me!" It's so cute! He sure does love his bubby! If Lane wakes up from his nap before Hunter does he runs into his room and sits on his bed patiently waiting for him to get up too!

I'm amazed at how much his attention span has increased since we started therapy too! He used to hate TV and well just sitting in general. His therapist sits with him for an hour and plays and that has helped so much! He really enjoys the hour of one on one attention he gets too! He also now fights Hunter for the ipad. They love kid-tube... weird!

At 19 months: Lane is wearing 24 months and 2T clothes. He weighs 29 pounds. He wears size 5-6 shoe.
He also thinks he is too big for the booster seat and the high chair now! It's not worth the fit so we put it up! We officially no longer have a booster or high chair in the kitchen! First time in 3.5 years! WOW! Is it time for another baby ;) haha just kidding! We are pretty content with our two!

 Lane at Friday's dipping anything and everything in ranch, his all time favorite  "food".
 Along with ranch, he also loves salmon patties! I made some the other night and he ate a whole one by himself at dinner then snatched one off the counter and walked around while eating his second!
 This might be my favorite picture of him so far, haha. He was trying on Grandma Ro Ro's wig and this is his new cheese smile! Too funny!!
 Along with his increased attention span comes the want for screen time just like Hunter! He loves the phones ipad and tv now! He calls the ipad "a- pple" I think its his way of saying ipad.
There's that cheese smile again, sittin on papa John's lap playing with his phone!