Saturday, December 13, 2014

Lane 6 months

Lane at 6 months is approximately 20 pounds and tall, haha. He is wearing 12 month clothes unless it is a one piece outfit then he is in 12-18 months. He has such a long torso! He squeels, plays, and squeels some more. Such a happy easy going guy! He does have a temper though! If you are holding him and you lay him down to change his diaper he will get very mad! He arches his back and kicks those legs out, not to mention screams!

He loves to play on the floor. He will roll both ways front to back and back to belly. He doesn't enjoy being on his back though. He hasn't started crawling but he will definitely reach for toys and trys to scoot around a bit. I'm sure he will be just like his brother, and we will have another army crawler on our hands. He isn't a big TV watcher, unless it is gigglebellies then you have his full attention! He will be content in his exersaucer and jumperoo for a long time by himself. He is so aware of what is going on now. If he sees a bottle across the room he wants it! If he drops his paci he looks all around for it and grabs it, and he can put it back in himself. He even grabs for my phone already... and the remote of course!

His schedule is finally starting to be the same... he took a lot longer to get on one than Hunter did. There are still days where he changes his schedule too. Most of the days he wakes up around 7, eats, plays, naps around 9, wakes up after an hour or so, eats around 1030, plays, eats baby food, then usually eats just a few ounces if any and goes back down for a nap around 1. He will usually sleep a few hours this time. He wakes up and eats again around 4. Eats baby food for dinner and has one more bottle around 8 before bed! He sleeps all night still, thankfully!

We have started giving him baby food 2x a day now too. He seems to notice table food a lot more lately! He gets baby food around lunch and dinner time. We have some that is homemade baby food and we also have some of the step 2 gerber dinners. He doesn't seem to have a preference, besides not liking peas! I have not had any luck getting him to eat peas. He still has no teeth!

He likes bath time with brother! He is pretty good at sitting up by himself now, but it is hard in the bath so he has a bath seat.

Even though life is crazy busy for us right now I still manage to capture sweet moments on camera. I love our boys more than anything! Here have been some favorite moments lately...