Sunday, May 12, 2013

11 months!

Hunter is  just a few days past 11 months old now! Its hard to believe in less than a month we will be celebrating his birthday!

At 11 months old Hunter...

- has had his first hair cut... this was done by his momma! I'm not a keeper or a hoarder by any means so no, I did not keep a lock of his hair. I have plenty of pictures to help me remember what color it was, haha. Don't get me wrong, I have many pictures for his baby book, but hair is just one of those things I don't plan on keeping!

-is so close to walking! He is getting brave and letting go of us or the couch and has had a few falls because of it! He likes to go from the couch to his toy box which is a step or two and he has fallen a few times... it scares me every time he hits his little head on that hard wood floor!

-pulls up on anything and everything! He will find the smallest little nook or crannie to pull up on, including a poster on a wall!

-Eats all table food and isn't really picky.

-has 6 teeth that are completely through (4 top, 2 bottom)

-We have been struggleing with ear infections and allergies for a long time now. I got Hunter up last week and it looked like his eyes were still closed. They were so swollen! I took him to the doctor thinking he was allergic to something he ate or drank. She just confirmed he had really bad seasonal allergies though. So, she prescribed yet another medication for him. This would make him on 4 allergy medicines. I hated that! So, I decided to try something all natural. Genesis Pure has a Mangosteen product that is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflamitory! It has worked wonders on our little guy, and myself! He is now off all 4 medicines and strictly on the pure mangosteen. YAY! When school lets out I plan on taking him to the chiropractor for his ears as well. Maybe she can help us out in that department becuase poor little guy has had yet another ear infection!

-Wears size 4 diapers
-Weighs 24.4 pounds
-30" long
-Wears 18 month clothes
-Has the cutest little voice and loves to say "buh dub a dub" and "buh jew buh jew" along with mama, dada, and bye bye
-If you say "bye bye" he now instantly waves
-If you say paddy cake he instantly starts clapping.. such a smart boy!
-doesn't know what NO means yet.. but we are working on that! I told him no a few times on Saturday when hew as into the DVD's .. I tried slapping his hand and saying no but he just smiled at me!
-loves his mom and dad and prefers them over anyone :) But is still so friendly he will not cry when he goes to other people
-He is still taking 3 bottles a day but I think we are about to get rid of the morning and afternoon bottles! He drinks all whole milk now! (We tried almond milk for a few days and I honestly think it gave him really really bad diarhhea!)
-takes 2 naps still... morning nap is usually 1-2 hours and same with afternoon
-wakes up at about 6:45 everyday and goes to bed in a range from 7-8:30 depending on his afternoon nap

We can't wait to celebrate his birthday! We are planning a Mickey party at the park just a few days after his birthday!