Monday, February 18, 2013

On The Move

Hunter is finally on the move! About a week ago we really noticed him trying to scoot up and get my phone in front of him. He would get on all 4's and then let his front half down. He wasn't going far but man oh man can he go now! I'm not sure why I was so anxious for him to be mobile... I should have known he is so nosy he would be into everything... yep! It's like he wants to explore the whole house and go on a hunt for cords, haha. If I sit him in the living room on his blanket with some toys, he immediately goes to his belly and army crawls to the cords. He does get up on all 4's but only takes a few inches forward before he is army crawling. Either way, he is speedy! I am way more worn out watching him and not letting him get into things!

His second bottom tooth just popped through finally! We have been able to see it for at least a month now and today it is finally popped through the gums! Now, waiting on the two top teeth which are also white, but not quite close enough yet.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

San Diego Half Marathon

I am not a runner. I do not enjoy running.... why am I running a half marathon?!

I am going on a little mini vacation with my mom and sisters in May to San Diego. While we are there our mom decided to run the San Diego marathon. Well my sisters got the bright idea to train for the half... I couldn't be the only one going that didn't run so pretty much felt obligated to do it as well. Even though I despise running, I started training for it last week. I needed a little boost and motivation to lose some weight so why not?! I do not plan on running the whole thing.. there is just no way. I am so out of shape! Right now I am trying running 3 minutes and walking 2 on the treadmill... I will probably stick with that training schedule for the next 16 weeks unless it just all of the sudden gets easier for me and I can run a few miles...I doubt it though. I'm telling you, I'm really out of shape! So, I don't expect my in shape skinny mini sisters to stick with me through this because I'm totally okay with them zooming past me and getting the best time they can! I not going to stress about it  (anymore) and just run walk it at my own pace and enjoy it! I am just doing this as something do to with my sisters, and to help me get healthy! I will be happy if I finish it in 3 hours.

I have started counting calories and hope to continue doing that until I can lose about 20-30 pounds. I just want to be healthy again. So, here goes nothing! Wish me luck :/

June 2nd is the big day

8 months

 Little baby Hunter is looking more like a little boy now! He is growing too quickly.

At 8 months- we can now add yet another ear infection.. or maybe its been 2 since he was 7 months. I've lost track by now... Actually, in the top picture you can't tell that he's actually miserable with a double ear infection and a sinus cold, again. I am getting pretty good at knowing when he has one becuase of the instant runny nose and sleepless nights... so we went yet again to the Dr. this week.

-weighs 22 pounds 4 oz
-measures 29 1/4 inches
-is such a little ham... He will smile or laugh at anyone; he's so friendly! Still very content and currently loves walking by holding our hands or in his walker...

Here he was standing against his toy all by himself!
-Has 1 tooth.. but his other bottom tooth and 2 top teeth are sooo close! I think that's probably the reason for this ear infection.
-Takes great naps and still sleeps all night from about 8pm-7am
-Gets 4 bottles a day but seems like the more food he eats the less milk he wants lately.
- Dr. told us to wait until he is 10-11 months old to do whole milk because they can develop anemia since they don't eat meat yet...
-Just switched him to Enfamil Adavance which is just like the normal Enfamil brand... not the fussiness and gas one anymore (they were out of his normal at walmart and I figured I could try him on this one... plus its a little cheaper)
-size 4 diapers
-size 12 month pants and 12-18 month shirts
-loves Mickey! We have decided to have a Mickey birthday for him since Mickey Mouse is his favorite. He will watch full episodes, yet I don't like to let him this young!
-starting to say mama and dada even though he doesnt know what they mean yet, haha
-LOVES little kids.. any baby or child can entertain him for hours. He so badly wants to do what they are doing
-also seems like he says "hi" sometimes
-waves bye bye and gives kisses!
-starting to clap, but when he gets excited he more so likes to flail his arms all over!
-Overall not much has changed since 7 months.. he seems to be slowing down on growing lately
I am anxious to see if the doctor says anything about tubes for his ears when we see her next month...not that I want another surgery for him, but I also don't want him to have scar tissue or hearing damage.
We love our little Hunter boy!