Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Lane is TWO

Two years ago this spitfire cam into this world! We were sitting at home ready for bed feeling good and all of the sudden I had super painful contractions come on! We had been going all day long celebrating Hunter's 2nd birthday out at dad and Dinah's for a swim party! I wasn't even sure I had time to shower the contractions were coming so fast! We called in family to come watch Hunter and headed to the hospital at about midnight. I'll never forget I was asking Jared what he thought... he was laying in bed half asleep and he said, "I don't know, google it!" haha! I wasn't quite sure what to google all I knew is that I went from no pain to a lot of pain in a matter of minutes! We got to the hospital and I was dialated to a 6-7. I labored for 2 hours and then all of the sudden we are being rushed back for an emergency c-section. Lane's heart rate was dropping rapidly. At 2:56 AM we had a beautiful healthy baby boy! I will never forget that moment!

At 2 years old, Lane is the most caring, loving, and wild little boy! He wakes up in the morning ready to "pay" (play)! We had to recently put a padlock on the door to our garage because he would go outside, open the garage door, and just start playing by himself outside! He runs constantly and is ALWAYS on the go. I try to refrain from taking him out to eat because getting him to sit that long is nearly impossible! We have often had to chase him in public places! Walmart is also disastrous! He refuses to sit in the cart and wants to push it the whole time. So we usually put Hunter in the cart and let Lane push. I don't dare make Lane mad in public because he has a set of lungs! Yes he has thrown fits and we've spanked but it doesn't always help. He has been a screamer since he found his voice at about 1 year old!

Lane is also the most loving little boy! He never wants to see anyone hurt or upset. A few days ago I was upset and shed a few tears and Lane was so worried. I think he gave me about 20 kisses! I love his sympathetic side! Anytime he's eating something and I ask for a bite he is so willing to share. He usually asks "good?" when I'm done and then offers to share his drink too, haha. He has always been my cuddle bug! He will sit and let me hold him with his head on my shoulder for a long time! He still loves to be rocked. Even though we broke him of the rocking this past winter we are back at it just because he loves it and honestly so does mom. He doesn't usually use it to fall asleep we still put him to bed awake and he will say "night night ma". I know one day soon he won't want rocked, so for now I'm enjoying every minute!

At 2 years old Lane is 37 inches tall and 30 pounds. He's tall and skinny! He's still got that blonde hair too! He wears size 7.5 shoe and 2T pants and some 2T some 3T shirts depending on the brand usually. His favorite things include riding the gator (which he has figured out how to do on his own in no time), play with Hunter, drink juice (he's an addict), he loves babies, he loves to just be doing anything outside really! He's not into technology near as much as Hunter... he would rather go to their rooms and play with cars, trucks, or watch paw patrol!

We are about to re-do his room and get rid of the crib... I'm so dreading this, haha! He is a wonderful sleeper. He takes 3 hour afternoon naps and sleeps 11-12 hours at night.He has been sleeping this long since he was 5 weeks old. My kids sure do love their sleep! He is talking so much more these days too! I love it! He might not be easily understood by some but I'm picking up on everything he is saying. He is getting better everyday!

I can't wait to see the boy Lane grows up to be! He's already proving to be very driven and compassionate.  We hope you grow up to be a God loving little boy! We love you so much Lane! You're spunky and cute! I love that when I say to him, "love you Lane" he says "love you more"! It melts my heart! Happy Birthday buddy!!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Lane 21 months

Almost 2! Cant even believe its been almost 2 years since we had this little guy! I can remember prepping for his arrival like it was yesterday. We are about to switch him to a big boy bed! I am kind of dreading this just because he sleeps so well in his crib. Once he turns 2 we will be re-doing his room and getting him a twin bed like Hunter has! Since he loves everything about sports, I'm wanting to do a baseball room. We will see what I can come up with.

As far as speech goes he is doing so well! He has so many words now his therapists are amazed at his progress. yay! Sometimes he is hard to understand but I usually know what he is saying. He is getting better at repeating 2 word phrases too! Before too long he will be talking in sentences. He is a very smart boy who loves everything outside! He has a great imagination and will play quite well on his own! If I can't find him he is usually in the basement or in Hunter's room playing with trucks, cars, and super heroes. I love his imagination! His favorite show is Paw Patrol and he has a very good attention span these days too! He also love "Baze" aka "Blaze".

He is wearing size 6/7 shoe and 2t clothes. He is very tall and skinny. He loves to snack! Meal times have been rough lately because he says "done" or "down" after about 2 bites. Luckily I can get him to still eat his fruit pouches which is at least some nutrients. I hate giving him junk food! He loves his chocolate milk too!

I love that our boys are so close. It was hard when they were younger but it is getting easier and they are lost without each other! Lane seems so bored if he is at home without Hunter. He does however love not sharing the ipad! I love hearing lane say ipad he says it so cute, haha I-PAH!

Lane's personality is: wild man. He is a go go go boy and when his head hits the pillow he is OUT. He is a very good sleeper just like big brother. He still takes a 2-3 hour afternoon nap. He goes to sleep at night at about 8:30 and he's usually up when he hears all of us in the morning about 7 or 7:30. Even though he is a wild man, he has a very sensitive side too! He is my cuddle boy. Loves to sit with mama and cuddle and loves to rock before bed. I am soaking it all in as I know my days are limited with this! He is also our animal lover. We may be getting a dog this summer, which mama isnt too thrilled about, but I know Lane will be in heaven with a pet!

Papa Steve got us some little critters to play with (fake ones of course) 

Animal loving boy
 Mama's boy 

After the egg hunt he decided to sit down and eat all the candy! 

Mom, why so many pictures? 

Mom said say cheeeeeeese 

Loves his bubby

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Lane 19 months

Lane has made such great progress in his speech at this point! He has well over 50 words now. I am so thrilled at how well he is doing. He isn't saying sentences yet but we hear new words everyday. AND he's repeating everything we say now. 
When he and Hunter are taking turns playing with a toy and Lane is ready for his turn he yells  "me me me!" It's so cute! He sure does love his bubby! If Lane wakes up from his nap before Hunter does he runs into his room and sits on his bed patiently waiting for him to get up too!

I'm amazed at how much his attention span has increased since we started therapy too! He used to hate TV and well just sitting in general. His therapist sits with him for an hour and plays and that has helped so much! He really enjoys the hour of one on one attention he gets too! He also now fights Hunter for the ipad. They love kid-tube... weird!

At 19 months: Lane is wearing 24 months and 2T clothes. He weighs 29 pounds. He wears size 5-6 shoe.
He also thinks he is too big for the booster seat and the high chair now! It's not worth the fit so we put it up! We officially no longer have a booster or high chair in the kitchen! First time in 3.5 years! WOW! Is it time for another baby ;) haha just kidding! We are pretty content with our two!

 Lane at Friday's dipping anything and everything in ranch, his all time favorite  "food".
 Along with ranch, he also loves salmon patties! I made some the other night and he ate a whole one by himself at dinner then snatched one off the counter and walked around while eating his second!
 This might be my favorite picture of him so far, haha. He was trying on Grandma Ro Ro's wig and this is his new cheese smile! Too funny!!
 Along with his increased attention span comes the want for screen time just like Hunter! He loves the phones ipad and tv now! He calls the ipad "a- pple" I think its his way of saying ipad.
There's that cheese smile again, sittin on papa John's lap playing with his phone!