Monday, September 21, 2015

Lane 15 Months

Lane is looking like such a big boy lately! He recently got his first buzz cut and oh my is it cute! He still has the most blonde hair ever! It's almost white looking and so adorable with his little round face! 

 We enjoyed awesome weather at the beginning of September for camping! The boys had a blast! Lane loves any kind of balls for sports so he was loving the kickball and wiffle ball games!

 Look how cute I am with my new hair cut!

 Ranch dressing is his absolute favorite. Restaurants are sometimes difficult with Lane getting ansty but give him a cup of ranch and he's good to go, haha. We let him dip some fries in it and he was in heaven.
Seriously how stinkin cute is he?! Love the pink party hat too! This was at Kendyl's birthday!

Lane has his 15 month appointment next week but I am pretty sure hes grown a bit since his 12 month appointment! I weighed him on our scale the other day and he was almost 28 pounds. I had to get out the tub of summer clothes I had from when Hunter was 2 for Lane to finish out this summer in! He can not wear his 12-18 month clothes anymore! I've been buying 24 month for this fall season!

He is starting to talk more within even the last week too. He can now say "uh bah" which means "a ball". He is such a smarty pants though! Knows where to go when I say lets go change your diaper or lets go take a bath. He definitely knows how to use his voice with screaming even though he doesn't use it for too many words yet! Yikes! I hope we can stop the screaming soon!
He loves to feed himself with a fork or spoon lately too. He refuses to let us help!
Love you Laner-bug!