I feel like I just wrote Lane's 6 month post! Wow time is flying by! The holidays were so fun with this little guy! He is such a sweet tempered little boy! I got my cuddle bug with this one! Even if he isn't tired he will just sit on your lap and even lay his head down and let you cuddle him. I love it! He isn't quite as big of an eater as his brother was at this point, but he does love his food! We have started giving him baby yogurt after his breakfast bottle; he gobbles it right up! For lunch he gets another bottle and a few cubes of baby food or a gerber container. He usually gets another bottle around 3, another bottle around 6 and some more baby food, and then his bed time bottle is at 8.
His schedule hasn't changed much but we have started laying him down in his crib for naps and letting him put himself to sleep. He does great! We didn't even have to try very hard! The first time I tried it he did great. He used to get mad if he flipped to his back while sleeping, but now he rolls all around and he doesn't mind sleeping on his side, belly, or back. It kind of makes me said I don't get to rock him as much anymore, so I usually still rock him before bed at night, for my sake :) They grow up so fast and he won't be little long! I am trying to treasure each and every baby moment as we are now closer to his first birthday! This guy is going to be a heart breaker. He smiles SO easily and never cries. He is in love with his family, especially his brother! I think these two will be best buddies!
Lane also loves playing on the floor. He isn't crawling yet but he does love spinning on his belly and he reaches and tries so hard to get things. I haven't seen him scooting yet or army crawling but hopefully soon! I already had to throw some of Hunter's toys away that had small pieces. It makes me nervous having him crawling around now that Hunter has so many different toys he could get in to!
As far as size goes he hasn't changed much from 6 months. He is still wearing 12 month clothes and weighing right at around 20 pounds. He is also 28 inches, not 26 like this picture says--oops! He is on his last package of size 3 diapers and then we will move him to size 4.
Developmentally, he reaches for people, passes toys from hand to hand, gives kisses, and does this waving thing with his hand. It's not really him waving at people, it is just a habit thing he does. My parents used to tell me that I did it when I was a baby too. He is proving to be more and more like his mom. Most people tell me Hunter looks more like Jared now and Lane looks more like me. He definitely has my eyes! I always had really squinty small eyes until I was older then I kind of grew out of it. He is starting to get bigger eyes too. He is sitting like a pro now and rolling all over the house! I need to keep trying the sippy cup to get him used to it. We don't use it much just because I usually don't think of it. I really want to do just water with him and not get him on the habit of juice like Hunter was. It's so bad for their teeth! I'd like to stay away from it if possible! So far he doesn't seem to mind water!
He is still on his AR formula. I am looking forward to the day we don't have to buy that anymore! However, I did find it cheaper online so that is a plus!