Thursday, June 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Hunter!

Thanks to Lydia at Candids by Lydia for capturing a few shots for Hunter's first birthday session!

Is it even possible that this little butter ball is 1 year old today?!

I am so glad I took the time to take a picture each month so I can really see just how much he has grown! I know there is a huge difference between month 2 and 3. I'll never forget the first time someone told me he was "so big". I was not used to hearing that since he was only 6'13" when he was born! I can see here that he developed some chub at 3 months! He also got HUGE at 6 months! I think from then on out his hair really started to grow too! He got his first hair cut after that horrid 10 month picture, ha ha. He has had several since then, too!
At 1 year old Hunter you have quite the highlight list!
-says mama, dada, ball (boh), dog (doh), bottle (bob), whoa, stop it (yes he says a phrase!)
-I think we have a talker on our hands.. he jabbers all day long and still whispers too!
-can stand on your own and can walk!
-You are hesitant to let go of something and walk on your own still, but if we set you down you will walk to the other person or walk across the room quite well!-
-is getting moved to size 5 diapers real soon because you are starting to leak in 4's. Lets hope you stay in 5's till you are potty trained! (with each diaper size you move get less!)
-wearing size 18 month clothes
-wearing size 3-4 shoe
-has a brand new sleeping schedule! 9pm-9am is your norm now with just one nap during the day usually from about noon-3... or if we have to go somewhere you will take 2 smaller naps
-gets one bottle at bed time and that's it! I'm so glad we have you almost completely weaned off bottles! This mama has been washing them by hand from day 3 (when you started formula)!
-loves to dance! It's pretty adorable the way you bounce up and down and kind of do this little head banging thing to the music, haha
-can go from laying down to sitting up
-You will still eat veggies as long as I put a little salt and pepper on them... guess you like flavor like the rest of us!
-can eat anything we eat even though you still only have 6 teeth
-finally has your car seat turned around and you love looking at us!
You weigh 25 pounds and are 32 inches long! You have remained in the 99 percentile for height and 90th for weight!
Happy Birthday Hunter!!!

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