Monday, December 30, 2013

Hunter 19 Months and pregnancy update

Hunter at 19 months is talking in phrases and sentences. He is still a great sleeper, sleeping from about 8:30-9am with one nap usually at 1 and lasting about 3 hours. He weighs about 28 pounds and is very tall. He is wearing 2T shirts mostly (some are still big) and 18-24 mo pants. He is wearing a size 6 shoe. He is going through a phase where he doesn't want to eat anything and I HATE it! I wish my good little eater would come back! If I can get him to eat anything it is a miracle. I hope I can find some foods he will eat again! I am constantly filling his cup up with his whole milk to make sure he gets some nutrients somewhere! He prefers regular milk to chocolate milk, silly boy... doesn't bother me though!

 I have enjoyed my time off with him during Christmas break. I am not looking forward to returning to work; we have been having so much fun! Christmas was really fun this year! We had our first Christmas the Saturday before and one or 2 everyday until Christmas day. Hunter kept saying "open presents" every time we had one to go to. My favorite phrases he said were "looky there" "whoa dude!" and "oh boy!" with every gift he opened. He eventually started getting overwhelmed though and was over it by the end of the last one we went to. I think he had so many things to play with he didn't really know where to start! That is what happens when you have 6 Christmas' to go to! Phew! I am glad I have 2 weeks off. I couldn't imagine having to go back to work the day after! My house is STILL a mess and it has been almost a week now.

Pregnancy update:
I am now 15 weeks 4 days pregnant.and feelin great. I am craving pickles and pineapple juice. Every time I go to the store I have to get these two things. I know that is a lot of sodium and acid, haha so probably not the best things to eat/drink but hey it makes me feel good for the time being! If you were to look at the pickle jar in my fridge it would currently be out of pickle juice too; I know this is so bad but oh it tastes so good... until the stomach ache follows later. I go back to the doctor on Thursday for my 16 week appointment. After that we will get our sonogram scheduled for the 20 week appointment! It is seriously FLYING by this time around! My house is not near ready for another baby! We will be switching around some rooms and painting and making Hunter a big boy room with a twin bed! I can't believe my baby is getting so big! It sometimes makes me sad to think of him not being the baby anymore :( I am praying all goes well with this pregnancy and that Hunter adjusts okay to being a big brother! Can't wait to find out what we're having! Baby is approx 4 inches this week, and I have already felt the baby move! Will update again soon!

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