Thursday, October 2, 2014

Lane: 4 months

At 4 months old Lane loves to talk, smile, laugh and be talked to! He is even more content than his big brother was at this age, which is nice trying to handle 2 kids! He is just the easiest kid to get to sleep to. You literally just have to hold him on his side and pat his but for a second and he is out! Lane so far doesn't need his butt pat in his crib like Hunter did. I am hoping we don't have to start that again! So far so good though!

The doctor gave us the green light for starting cereal. She said to feed him once a day and start with cereal and then move to oatmeal and food after a week or so on the cereal. So excited to see him try new things!
Right now he is eating 4x a day 7oz bottles. He usually eats at 7,11,4,8
He sometimes breastfeeds and other times gets the pumped milk. He puts his hands on the bottle but doesnt seem close to holding it yet.
His sleep schedule is typically morning nap around 9, afternoon nap around 12:30 and evening nap around 6.

As far as development goes, he is starting to reach for toys but mostly reaches for his paci! He is always putting his hands in his mouth and chewing on them! He sat in his exersaucer for the first time today too! He still hasn't rolled over. His doctor said that is more of a 5-6 month development. He does seem to have a really strong head and trunk stability though so maybe he will start sitting up in the next month or so!

He is wearing size 3 diapers, and size 6-9 month clothes. He weighs 16 pounds 4  oz and he is 26 inches long. He was in the 75% for weight and 90% for height.

He hasn't really lost any more hair since 3 months so hopefully that was all he will lose! He is staring to get some back in on that one side too, yay!

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