Thursday, May 28, 2015

Lane 10 and 11 months

We have had a whirlwind of a spring this year! So I'm combining 2 months into one blog post! Sorry, I'm behind! Lane has changed so much lately. He is becoming quite a little boy! He started crawling really good at 10 months, no more army crawl! He did a funky crawl for awhile where the stuck one leg out straight and drug it to the side while the other leg was bent in a crawling position. Our whole 10th month for Lane was spent at Donsbach's house. We had so much fun living there! Our boys really miss them, as do we! This is where Lane started saying uh oh! He would drop something and make a humming noise at the same voice as uh oh and then we started realizing what he was saying! So cute! This is probably his first REAL word besides dadada jabber. He also stared saying hiiii. He is funny with his words though he goes through phases where he says them and then I don't hear them again for awhile.

Poor guy has had a very rough past 3 months with ear infections. They have basically been non-stop since about February. He's been on every kind of antibiotic and none seem to clear it for more than a day and then its back. So, sleep hasn't been wonderful lately either! He is finally getting tubes on June 12th.

He is weighing about 22 pounds and still wearing size 4 shoe, 4 diaper, and 12-18 month clothes. His pants are needing to be 18 months though, he is quite tall for his age!

He is a garbage disposal when it comes to eating! He will eat anything you put in front of him! I usually feed him eggs and toast for breakfast, turkey dogs, cheese, fruit, or some kind of sandwhich for lunch, and then he eats whatever we eat for dinner! I'm so glad he doesn't have trouble swallowing food like Hunter did/does! We couldn't get Hunter to eat meat until he was about 2 1/2 or so. Lane seems to have no problem! He can even eat steak! He still has only 4 teeth too. It looks like some more top teeth are coming in on the sides and his gums feel swollen in the back for some molars to come in soon as well! At 11 months we ditched the formula and switched to regular milk! WOO HOO!

He is not an awesome napper like Hunter was either. He will sometimes take two naps but sometimes its just one... If he takes two they're usually about an hour each, and if its one nap its usually 2 hours. Unfortunately we started having to rock him whenever he stood up in his crib too. So it takes him forever to go down for a nap and for bed! I'm hoping this summer we can break him of this habbit!

He pulls up on anything and everything but will not walk alone yet. Hoping soon!

We love you Laner bug!

Finally in our new house!

refuses to sit for any pictures!

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