Thursday, August 13, 2015

Lane 14 months

Well shortly after my last blog post Lane was a walking machine. It was about 5 weeks after his birthday when he officially took off on his own and hasn't really crawled since. He right away already knew how to get back up to a walking position after he fell without having to hold on to anything for help. He has started talking a little more as well. His new word for the month is bubba. The way he says it is sooooo cute! He puts inflection on the second syllable, adorable! So his total words so far are:

eeeee- means eat or drink
buh-buh- bye
uh oh
dee-uh- deer
mmmmm- he says this when he is eating, ha
we swear we have heard him say other things like hello, Lane, and ball

Other than walking and talking Lane's favorite things are to chase Hunter or be chased by Hunter. They did this around the ottoman the other night for a good half hour! They are both outside boys! Anytime anyone goes outside and Lane knows about it he will stand at the door and holler until he gets to go out too! He is still a climber as well. Luckily he doesn't climb on the kitchen table as much as he used to! That was scary! He loves the park and can climb up and down stairs now! He will even go down the slides by himself at the park!
He still LOVES food. I would say green beans and peas are among his top foods right now!

He is doing great after his tubes and has only had one round of sickness which involved tons of fluid drainage so he did get an ear infection in one ear. The other drained well. When he got sick he couldnt breath well and he gave up his paci! I know I should be excited about this because he gave it up on his own but I loved the way he looked with his paci! My little baby! I'm not gunna lie I have even tried to give it back to him and he just throws it!! :( He is growing up so quickly!
He weighs 25 pounds and is wearing 18-24 month clothes, 4 shoe, and 5 diapers. He is still a wonderful sleeper. This summer he has started sleeping in even more he now sleeps from about 8:30-8:30.
 He is a fire ball thats for sure! Wouldn't trade him for anything! He is still my cuddle boy :)

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