Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Lane: 1 Month

Our sweet baby Lane is one month old today! He is weighing in at a whopping 10.6! I am so happy he is gaining weight and doing so well with eating! We are exclusively pumping now which I find more comfortable and just easier. Some people say how is it easier when you have to do twice the work?! It's easier because I can pump while I feed him and he eats a bottle so much faster than he ate off of me! I also only take about 15 minutes to pump and usually get more than he is able to eat so I store the rest! This has helped me get quite the stock pile going already! However, he is already eating 5-6 ounces so the amount I'm able to save is dwindling!

At 1 month Lane is still a very sleepy boy. He is hardly ever awake, but he is starting to be awake more! He usually eats every 3-4 hours during the day and 4-5 hours at night. His normal night routine is to eat at 9:30, 2:30, and 7 am.

He is a content baby! We haven't hardly ever heard him cry. If he does cry that usually means he has a belly ache. I was using the medela bottles since they hooked
 to my pump but I recently realized that Dr. browns bottles also hook to my pump! Yay! So, I switched to those and I cant believe the difference! I love those dr. browns!

Lane is definitely a paci baby! I can't wait until he can find it and put it back in himself though, haha.

He is still able to wear newborn and 0-3 month clothes but he is in size 1 diapers now.

He is getting good at holding his head up but still doesn't do it for more than a minute...

Hunter still loves his baby brother! However, today I was feeding Lane and Hunter was kissing his feet... all was well until Hunter decided to bite poor Lane's toes! This was the first time Hunter had done anything like this and hopefully it will be the last! :(

We love our baby Lane!

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