Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Moving Home

Well, I did it! I finished the semester and moved everything home! Well, not everything, but mostly! I left all of my kitchen stuff (microwave, tupperwear, pots and pans... etc.) the T.V. and desk up at my apartment because I know I won't need those things so I want to leave them for the girls to keep using next semester. I got really lucky with my finals all being on Monday! That gives me a little extra time off before I go student teach.

After I loaded my car up, I parked it at the Mattoon exit and rode with Emily and Allison to Champaign for a little Christmas shopping. We had a lot of fun and got a ton of shopping done in a short amount of time. We left Champaign about 2:15 thinking we'd get back around 3:30... well we were way off on that timing. We found out there was a semi-accident and there was a dangerous chemical spill. So, when we were about 3 miles from Arcola we got completely stopped on the interstate and we were stuck in traffic for 2 hours before we got moving again. We did have quite an intertaining ride though! We saw this semi up ahead waving for everyone he passed to roll their windows down. Of course, no one would do it. So, after awhile he made a sign and stuck that out the window. We were really anxious to get up and see what the sign said, it said "Road Closed Ahead." When he showed us the sign we all started busting up laughing.. because we knew the road was closed! Then, a lot of cars got tired of waiting and decided to drive on the shoulder, meanwhile passing everyone who is just sitting there! So, the SUV in front of us got ticked and pulled in the shoulder and half in our lane so that no one else could pass. It was pretty funny as well. Later, I dared Allison to do a chinese fire drill around our car. For 2 bucks she said she'd do it. So she did, and then I handed back the 2 dollars, ha ha. Well, the van behind us had 2 younger guys in it and one of the guys did a chinese fire drill around our car! It was sooo funny. We were laughin so hard, and when we looked back at them, he showed us that he got a dollar for it, haha. Well that was almost the end of our adventures. We finally got off the exit in Arcola and then we had to wait for about half an hour there before we could get back on the high way. While waiting, we heard a honk behind us and when we turned around it was our semi friend again. This time he was dressed up as Santa! Wow, the stories from this trip won't be forgotten!
Needless to say, we finally made it home at 5:45. That was a long trip!

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