Monday, January 10, 2011

Noah is one!

Saturday we celebrated Noah's first birthday party! I can't believe a year has gone by since he was born! It literally seems like a week ago we were at the hospital patiently waiting his arrival! It has been a great first year and his aunt Randi and uncle Jared have loved spending time with him! For his birthday I decided to get him practical things since he has every toy and piece of clothing imaginable! So, we got him juice, yogurt melts, his special baby shampoo (which I didn't realize was $5 !!) some bubble bath for sensitive skin, some cute new paci's, and a C.D. of baby songs (mom will love this, haha). Here are some pictures from the little guy's big day! Jen is just too creative! His party was adorable!

She made all the cupcakes... 4 different flavors

Picky little Noah wouldn't touch his cake... no surpirse here!

Loved the theme!!

Always has his tongue out!

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