Monday, September 5, 2011

first 2 weeks!

Well, the first couple weeks of school are over, and I survived! It was a crazy 2 weeks but I'm loving it more and more each day. I only have 12 kids in my class and it's awesome!! I can't wait till a holiday so we can make cute halloween or thanksgiving crafts etc.
The kids are learning their routine better and better each day. They know every morning we turn in our MOOSE books (communication binder), move their lunch stick (a popsicle stick that has their name on it.. they move it to the eating at school bucket or the brought my lunch bucket), then they go to their desk to color a page until all the students get there!
Next 20 minutes we do morning calendar time- a time to talk about the date, weather, patterns, and count!
Then we go to our seats for an hour and learn a letter, it's sound and how to write it.. eventually we will be learning to read during this time of our day!
Next they get free time (15 minutes of inside recess basically)
The day flys by after this~
30 minutes of language
30 minutes of special (music, library, computer... etc.)
30 minutes of lunch
30 minutes of recess
30 minutes of math
45 minutes of sharing/story time
20 minutes of snack time
then we have the last 20 minutes to do art projects or fun stuff that goes along with our letter of the week!
That's it!

My class has 8 boys and 4 girls! The boys tend to get a little wild.. but we're getting there!
I have already had one parent tell me their kid hated school last year and has totally changed this year! She told me that her son said he loved his teacher <3 aww!

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