Thursday, September 6, 2012

3 months old

Bubbie is 3 months old! He is getting cuter and cuter even when I didn't think it was possible! :)

Well Hunter at 3 months is about 16 pounds! He's such a big boy! He is very long too, but I'm not sure on measurments. He doesn't go back to the doctor for another month.

Hunter is now wearing 6 month clothes mostly, and 9 month sleepers! He is such a long baby! I can't wait to see how tall he grows up to be; just like his daddy!

He sleeps through the night!!! YAY! This is the biggest milestone that I'm most excited about! I have so many people tell me how lucky I am that he sleeps from 8pm-7am usually.. Last weekend he went to bed a little later but slept until 8:30 or 9:00 am! This week he's been up at 7 when I leave in the mornings, which is not all bad :-) He started doing this about 2 weeks ago!

He still gets cereal in his bottles and sleeps on his belly. LOVES sleepin on his tummy! One day he was on his back (due to a mis-communication with my babysitter) and he didn't sleep well at ALL! His naps are still 3 a day. A long morning nap, a long afternoon, and a short evening nap before bath and bedtime.

He's eating 6-8 ounces during the day around 8am, 12pm, 4pm. Then at bedtime he gets an 8 oz bottle with cereal.

Developmentally, he coos goos and smiles ALL THE TIME! Anytime you talk to him, he will talk back :) He hasn't rolled over yet, and it still may be awhile due to the fact that he doesn't like floor time much. He will sit under his play mat for a bit but that's about the extent of it. He sits up against something without falling to the side now. He has such a solid core!

He's losing his hair... boo! This is something I am so sad about. I love his dark head of hair and I'm hoping it doesn't all fall out!  It's getting pretty thin in the back and on the top. Keep your hair buddy!

He is often referred to as "chubs" by his daddy and I.

He loves when people talk to him, watching cartoons, watching a fan (haha I know), his bouncy seat for a short period of time, being outside, going on walks, being cuddled (I also love this), baths, and loves to look around! He knows his mommy and daddy's voices for sure and loves when we talk to him.

He does this pouty face quite frequently, haha. I seriouslly can't help but laugh when he does it because it's so funny/sad. He acts like he gets his feelings hurt or something.

He's wearing size 2 diapers.

He's given up his paci! He was such a paci baby for the first 7-8 weeks and then all of the sudden he was done with it! He has found his thumb the past few mornings so we'll see if he decides to pursue that anymore. When he's hungry in the mornings his fist goes in the mouth instantly.

We love this little boy more than anything. I can't leave school fast enough to get home and see him. His daddy loves him more than anything too. We love watching him grow and can't wait to hear him talk back to us and say our names someday soon. I don't want my little baby to grow up! I love this age! I know everyone says the fun age is coming, but I'm pretty in love with him now :-)

Hunter we love you!

1 comment:

  1. Those chubby cheeks get me everytime!
    He is such a sweet baby, Randi :)
