Saturday, September 22, 2012


Today is the first day of fall! Yay! Pumpkins, mums, and fall scents, ahh! My favorite season :) Its my favorite because it is the perfect weather! I absolutely love wearing jeans and a sweatshirt..don't like coats though! I have been shopping for some more fall clothes for bubby because he's in 6 months now, which means in another month or so he'll be in 9 months. So, I've been trying to find more 9 months. Jared and I are celebrating the first day of fall by going shopping, just the two of us, going to dinner, and then the Illini football game! We are so excited to enjoy a day to ourselves and I'm super excited about shopping! We decided to treat ourselves and take some extra cash to spend on ourselves. It just may be our birthday presents to eachother... Speaking of.. yay for October and our birthdays! I like having them close together because it's like a solid week of celebrating, together!

I have been trying to decide what kind of coat to get Hunter for the winter. Since he'll still be in his carseat for the majority of it, I don't want a big bulky one! So I went for a fleece jacket with a hood. I also bought the matching fleece hat with little ears on it, so cute! Who says boys clothes aren't fun?!

I sewed today for the first time since Hunter was born I think! I made some baby gifts for my friend who's due in December! I also made another burp cloth for us... I took some scrap pieces of a towel and added some cute fabric to it.. I really like it!

I've decided I'm addicted to the online garage sale site. Wow I can scroll through that site on my phone all day long! I had been searching for some more 12 month sleepers since Hunter's going to be movin up soon, and I hit the jackpot! I spent $37 on one lady's album! I bought all sorts of winter clothes for him and lots of sleepers!

Lately Hunter has been soo fun! I just love this age! He is SUCH a good baby. He will entertain himself by looking around, watchin cartoons, and playin with his toys. His carseat has a turtle that hangs down and he just sits in there and talks to it all the time, I love it! He is a bubble blowin machine lately too. If you buzz your lips at him he'll blow all sorts of bubbles :)
Here he is blowin bubbles in the bathtub. He still LOVES bathtime and will sit in there forever! He is officially way to big for his infant tub though. We got him a sponge and he gets to bathe in the big tubby now! He's truly such a joy to have and I can't imagine life without him. He is still sleeping through the night which is such a blessing. I can't complain about him at all, love him to pieces!

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