Tuesday, October 2, 2012

spoon feeding

Our big boy has officially started eating from a spoon! I was so excited to try it. As I knew he would; he loved it. Already, you can't get the spoon to his mouth fast enough. He is such a little porker! Yes he's been getting cereal in his bottle for awhile now, but this is much thicker. We do 2 tablespoons of cereal to one ounce of formula. We started him on it Saturday, a day I knew we would both be able to see him eat it for the first time. I think he's going to be eating baby food in no time as well. He is just so hungry since he's such a big boy. We started off by feeding him the cereal first thing in the morning when he got up. However, I changed this quickly because he was just too hungry right when he got up and didn't really want anything but his bottle. So, now we are just doing cereal sometime mid-morning before his first nap of the day. My dad and Dinah watched him yesterday and they said he loved it and did well for them too, yay!

I'll probably wait another month or so and then start him on some baby food! I need to find some spare time before we start that since I want to make my own.

Fellow mommas, what is your favorite kind to make on your own? What is the cheapest you've found to make? Which kinds are not worth making and better off buying? I've heard from several blogging mommas that you are supposed to introduce a single food for a few days to get them used to it. And I've also heard you are supposed to stick to veggies at first as well. I want my boy to like his veggies! And one last question, did you start out with cereal in the morning like he's getting now and then just one time a day baby food... or did you go ahead and do lunch and dinner baby food right off the bat? Like I said I'll at least wait until he is  5 months, but probably start shortly after that. We love his high chair too; it reclines so it's super easy for him right now since he can't sit up yet.

Here are just a few pictures of Hunter eating cereal for the first time from a spoon!


  1. What a doll baby!
    He cracks me up :) Such a sweetie pie.
    The second picture cracks me up... He is like "Mom... You are so embarassing!"

  2. Haha I know that's exactly what I thought! He is so funny :)
