Sunday, June 8, 2014

Hunter is 2!

Our first baby suddenly seems so grown up now that we have Lane in our family too! We got a chance to celebrate Hunter's 2nd birthday the day before Lane was born! We had a nice big party out at papa and grandma's house. Hunter had a blast swimming with his cousins and Brynlee. This was your last big party I'm planning Hunter so I hope you had fun! I decided our kids will get big birthdays with both sides of both families and then from 3 on we will just do separate little get togethers that don't require me being in the kitchen all day or spending a ton of time and money on decorations and such.

At 2 Hunter can....

not go potty on the big boy potty yet.. grr! I was really hoping this would be accomplished early but oh well. He does tell us when he's poopy but doesn't seem to care about sittin in a wet diaper or wet undies for that matter!

talks a lot... all the time

finally answers questions with "ya" or "yes"... for the last month when we would ask him "Do you want to go outside and play?" if he didn't want to he had no problem saying no but if he did want to he would just repeat the question.... he finally answers correctly. Now if we could only get him to stop talking in the 3rd person, haha. We constantly hear "Hunter wants juice.. Hunter wants to hold baby Lane... Hunter wants to go outside.."

Eats most foods although he doesn't seem to like pasta unless its in chicken noodle soup or macaroni and cheese. Any other casserole type dish that has pasta he will most likely not want it. I'd say his favorite food is tacos or chicken nuggets. He does love "mash matatoes" too!

He is constantly cracking us up by the things he says! Today he got a bike from papa and grandma for his 2nd birthday and they wheeled it out and he said Hunter got a motorcycle!
The other day I told him we were going to go to McDonalds and get daddy some supper and he was legit mad at me when we pulled in and it wasn't Old McDonald's farm!

He's pretty average for his weight at 30 pounds, and he is 36" tall at 2. The doctor predicts him to be 6.0 feet tall... we will see!

His favorite things right now are playing outside, riding his motorcycle, riding the gator and the ranger, riding in daddy's truck so he can listen to the chicken song, and he loves the Lorax movie.

Hunter you are a sweet little boy and we love you to pieces! I have seen a little attitude pop up in the last few weeks that I'm sure is coming with your age... don't worry we still love you, you may just get a few more spankings here and there to come, haha. We are so proud of the big brother that you are becoming and we love seeing how loving you are to "baby Lane". I wish I could freeze time because I know that I will look back and read this and wonder where time went! You are such a sweetie pie and are so friendly to others. We love you bubby!

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