Saturday, June 7, 2014

Welcome Lane Isaac Yager!

Lane decided to come a few weeks early! This momma wasn't complaining about that! I have somehow gotten lucky with both of my kids coming before 40 weeks. I had planned Hunter's party the week before his birthday just in case Lane came early and I am very glad I did that! Saturday morning the day of the party Hunter and I were up at 6:30 starting to prepare for the day. I had so much food to make and knew I would be on my feet pretty well all day long but didn't think much of it. Well after I had been up for about an hour I started having contractions. I had had some in the last week but these felt different. I could feel them in my back and they were about every 5-10 minutes apart. My mom was in Montana for a work trip and she wasn't due home until Sunday night. I texted her and warned her that I was having contractions. I didn't honestly think Lane would come that day but warned her just in case! The contractions continued the rest of the morning and by about noon I was either so busy making cupcakes and cookies for the party that I didn't realize they were still going on or else they stopped. I wasn't sure but I was determined to get through this party! I mentioned to Jared that I was having contractions but neither one of us was too worried. We went on with the busy day and started celebrating Hunter's birthday at 3:30. After a long day we were finally home around 8 that night. We unloaded all of the gifts onto the table and floor or wherever we could find room and then I sat down to put my HUGE feet up. I didn't care that the house was a mess I just wanted to rest. That was a LONG day. Little did I know Lane had other plans! Like I said my contractions had pretty well stopped and I even texted my mom saying I think she will make it home cause I hadn't had any in awhile. Jared and I watched some T.V. and put Hunter to bed. Around 10:30 we got ready for bed. Jared was out instantly and I was having a hard time fallin asleep. I had only been in bed for about 20 minutes and I randomly had a very strong contraction. It was pretty intense! Lots of pain and lasted about a minute. I noticed that about 2 minutes later I had another one... and another one... and after about 10-15 minutes of these I was getting a bit worried at how painful they were! I decided to wake up Jared and just let him know. He was half asleep already and just kinda said okay... not sure what we should do I was just kind of hoping he would tell me if we should go in or not... But I decided to take a shower and then see if they were still happening as fast. After my shower I said okay we should probably pack our bags and head over to the hospital to at least get checked! So we called in family to come stay with Hunter and headed over to the hospital. It was about 12:15 when we got there and got up to our room. She checked me and said yep you are at a 6 and contractions are happening very close together so it won't be long! I was in shock! We called our parents to let them know we were in labor but I didn't want anyone coming up to the hospital. I will definitely do it like that again if there is a next time. It was nice to let them know and not have them all there waiting in the waiting room. I liked the privacy better and with Hunter it was the middle of the day so I had a full waiting room of people and I was constantly feeling like I had to hurry since they were all there. So I went from a 6-9 and fully effaced in just a few hours. It was going very quickly which meant very painful as well. Lane's labor was definitely worse than Hunter's! SOOO painful! After about 2 hours the doctor was getting concerned that Lane's heart rate was dropping so quickly. She was in there staring at  the heart monitor for a while and I was in so much pain I didn't really realize how serious it was. They decided to do an emergency C-section around 2:30 AM. They were kind of in a panic and it all happened so fast. The next thing I knew I was in the OR and Lane was born at 2:56 am! I was asking Jared does he have hair? Is he big? Does he look like Hunter?... I hated not being able to see him right away but was so relieved everything was over!!! He did have hair! He did look like Hunter! and no he wasn't big, haha. They took Lane and Jared out and stitched me up then brought me back to the room for recovery. Jared and Lane were back in my room with me in no time. I finally got to see our baby boy! He was so cute and looked identical to his big brother!

We have had such a good experience so far with having Lane home! He is just the best baby... just like Hunter was! So far anyways! Last night was his best night yet. He was fed at 9:30 and got up to eat at 2:30. Then he didn't wake up again until 7:30 am. I could not ask for a better schedule! I really hope he continues to be a good sleeper! So far he just sleeps all day and when he is hungry he doesn't even really cry he just whimpers or starts movin around so I know he is getting hungry! I told Jared we make some good babies! :)

Here are a few pictures of our new little love! 7 pounds 3 oz and 20 inches long! Love every bit of him!!! So thankful Lydia was able to capture such precious moments too!!

Our first family picture!

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