Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

Father's Day was a busy day for us. We went to church and then headed over to Jared's Granny and Papa's house. There we had a very tasty meal. We all had ribeyes, twice baked potatoes, corn on the cob, texas toast, and strawberry shortcake. It was yummy but I left there will a belly ache and we were both exhausted. So then Jared and I went home to nap :) I love being able to go home together and nap together, haha! When we got up we went to my dad's house. We sat outside and visited with my family for a few hours and then ate. Dad cooked BBQ pork loin and then we had baked macaroni, green bean casserole, and salad. All in all we had a good day.

I can't describe to you how much I love and appreciate my dad. He has been there for all of us kids during the worst of the worst. Growing up I think I was the daddy's girl. I can't tell you how many times my dad has told us kids he loves us. I won't ever forget the little moments my dad would say, have I told you lately how proud I am of you and that I love you? He never let us forget it. He is a very encouraging, hard working, providing, loving, Godly, comforting, humble, and  tough man. One of my greatest memories of my dad is that we would come home from school and he would already be off work and so excited to see us. When we walked in the door he would have a snack ready on the table for my sisters and I. My favorite snack he usually made was bananas with peanut butter, or grahm crackers with chocolate icing... yum! What I most love about my dad is that he is a Godly man. I can't imagine what our childhood would have been like without the values we were brought up with. Whenever we fought as kids, he made us sit together and hug. That was one way to tick us off, but then we always ended up laughin in the end. I do have to say that sometimes he would go a little overboard with things... We had a nightly bible study after dinner. Most of the time we didn't wanna sit there and hear it, but now looking back I know it was good for us. We would end up laughing and had some of our most memorable conversations during that time. Like the time dad said when we get to heaven God will seperate all of the sheep from the goats. He will put all the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Dad tried explaining to us that the sheep were going to heaven and the goats were going to Hell. The priceless moment was when Kate said, Oh Man! I'm left handed, I have to go to hell?!!!! We also had this book called What Would Jesus Do? I think that was dad's favorite book. We must have read it a million times. There was a song that went with it called I have decided to follow Jesus... I think everytime he heard us arguing he would whistle this song to us to remind us to think "What Would Jesus Do?" These are only a few memories I have of my dad. I love him so much and I know that my kids will one day do the same.

Today, Monday, we are heading to Jared's dad's for Father's Day. I am so excited that he gets to celebrate Father's day with his dad after not having one for so many years. This is a dream come true for Jared and I am so thankful for the answered prayers. This will actually be our second time celebrating with Kenny but last year at this time we had pretty much JUST met him so this year is more special.

I can't wait for Jared to be a dad someday! I know he is going to make such an awesome dad!

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