Saturday, June 23, 2012

Belly Issues

Well Hunter,

you are still an amazing baby... sleeping alllllll day long. I usually have to wake you up to feed you during the day. I think since you are getting a little older I will let you wake up on your own now and see how long you last. I did it yesterday and instead of eating every 3 hours you woke up on your own about every 4 hours to eat. So, I think we'll start letting you do that. At night, thats usually how long you wait anyway.

However, the past 4 days or so you have been making some pretty loud grunting noises in your sleep. You cried out for the first time the other night and I knew something was wrong. This was not your normal whiney little cry you do when you are ready for a bottle. This was a screech type cry. I felt so bad for you. You had your little legs all curled up to your belly and you just seemed really uncomfortable. I just switched your formula because you weren't having regular enough bowel movements, but now you seem gassy or something. I hate not being able to take away your pain little man! I gave you some gas drops and rubbed your belly for a long time. I sure hope we can figure out this belly ache issue! The Dr. told me I could try switching you to soy formula. So, maybe a few more days on this one and if it doesn't help then we'll switch you to soy and see how you do on that.

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