Thursday, November 8, 2012

5 months old!

No way?! 5 months already? AHH. I'm sad.  Seems like I was just coming home from the hospital...

 At school today there was a student's mom who just had a baby last week. She brought in the baby today and the baby was SO tiny! I thought to myself, no way was Hunter EVER that small?! The baby weighed 6'13... same as Hunter!

Hunter, your mommy and daddy continue to love you so much!
At 5 months you now:

-Continue to sleep through the night, usually about 11-12 hours at a time
-Continue to take long morning naps and long afternoon naps
-Have given up on the evening nap
-Never decided to be a thumb sucker or a paci baby... you just like to put both hands in your mouth at once, haha
-Love baby food! There hasn't been one so far that you haven't liked; I'm so glad you aren't picky or a texture baby thus far
-Eat fruit mixed with cereal in the mid morning or lunch and you eat a veggie at suppertime
-Still getting homemade baby food (2 ice cubes)
-Since you're eating more you don't usually drink as much formula... you have an 8 oz in the mornings and usually 6 oz during the day and then another 8 oz at night (we've skipped doing the cereal in the night time bottle)
-You usually go to bed at 8
-You give kisses! This is just the sweetest thing :) When mommy or daddy bend down to kiss you, you really open up and seem like you love the kisses!
-Just rolled over from belly to back for the first time this week! We found you on your back the next morning!
-Wearing size 9 month clothes and 12 month jammies
-Wearing size 3 diapers
-Slobbering ALL THE TIME.. your shirt is often soaked
-You are teething for sure, but have none yet
-You like to wiggle your way up in your crib. Lately you have been waking up at about 4 or 5am because your head is all the way at the other end of the crib... I just have to pull you down and you fall right back asleep luckily
-I am wondering if you will start scooting soon... you are starting to get up on your hands and knees for a short period of time
-Your favorite toy is the jumperoo; you also really like the stuffed dog and the vibrating bumble bee for your teeth!
-You are starting to recognize strangers. Lately you have been crying when you see daddy or I and a stranger is holding you.
-You coo, laugh, and scream quite a bit! The scream is so funny because you like to mimic daddy and talk back.
-We just got you weighed last week and you weighed 17 lbs and 12 oz and you were 27" long!

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