Hunter at 19 months is talking in phrases and sentences. He is still a great sleeper, sleeping from about 8:30-9am with one nap usually at 1 and lasting about 3 hours. He weighs about 28 pounds and is very tall. He is wearing 2T shirts mostly (some are still big) and 18-24 mo pants. He is wearing a size 6 shoe. He is going through a phase where he doesn't want to eat anything and I HATE it! I wish my good little eater would come back! If I can get him to eat anything it is a miracle. I hope I can find some foods he will eat again! I am constantly filling his cup up with his whole milk to make sure he gets some nutrients somewhere! He prefers regular milk to chocolate milk, silly boy... doesn't bother me though!
I have enjoyed my time off with him during Christmas break. I am not looking forward to returning to work; we have been having so much fun! Christmas was really fun this year! We had our first Christmas the Saturday before and one or 2 everyday until Christmas day. Hunter kept saying "open presents" every time we had one to go to. My favorite phrases he said were "looky there" "whoa dude!" and "oh boy!" with every gift he opened. He eventually started getting overwhelmed though and was over it by the end of the last one we went to. I think he had so many things to play with he didn't really know where to start! That is what happens when you have 6 Christmas' to go to! Phew! I am glad I have 2 weeks off. I couldn't imagine having to go back to work the day after! My house is STILL a mess and it has been almost a week now.
Pregnancy update:
I am now 15 weeks 4 days pregnant.and feelin great. I am craving pickles and pineapple juice. Every time I go to the store I have to get these two things. I know that is a lot of sodium and acid, haha so probably not the best things to eat/drink but hey it makes me feel good for the time being! If you were to look at the pickle jar in my fridge it would currently be out of pickle juice too; I know this is so bad but oh it tastes so good... until the stomach ache follows later. I go back to the doctor on Thursday for my 16 week appointment. After that we will get our sonogram scheduled for the 20 week appointment! It is seriously FLYING by this time around! My house is not near ready for another baby! We will be switching around some rooms and painting and making Hunter a big boy room with a twin bed! I can't believe my baby is getting so big! It sometimes makes me sad to think of him not being the baby anymore :( I am praying all goes well with this pregnancy and that Hunter adjusts okay to being a big brother! Can't wait to find out what we're having! Baby is approx 4 inches this week, and I have already felt the baby move! Will update again soon!
Monday, December 30, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
1.5 years old and baby #2 announcment!
At 18 months Hunter made a big announcement publicly! Here are a few pictures from out little photo shoot with the big brother :)
Jared, Hunter and I are very excited our family is expanding!
At 18 months Hunter is such a turkey. He is constantly making us laugh with things he says or does. We sure are enjoying every minute with him! Our days usually consist of juice, "nacks", books which Hunter tells us "up here, read it", Elmo or "gigbellies", lots of pictures of our cute guy, and playing with toys. He also loves to "weep and clean", if he sees a broom or a rag he will quickly want to start sweepin the floor and wiping anything he can. Although deer are still his absolute favorite. I've never seen a kid so obsessed with deer at such a young age. His next room will probably be camo and deer related because I love seeing how excited he gets when he sees those 2 things! He definitely gets that from his daddy! Jared can't wait to take Hunter out to the woods someday! He loves learning too and still repeats everything, even sentences now. My favorite thing he currently says is "sun shine down on me." Its part of a song on his gigglebellies DVD and the way he says it is so so cute!
New Baby Announcement!
We found out we were pregnant the first week of October.
We told our family and a few close friends on Halloween! I made a shirt that had a skeleton baby on my belly. It turned out pretty cute!
We announced it to the rest of the world on facebook at 12 weeks after we had been to the doctor and heard the heart beat, which was 155.
I have had zero morning sickness (both pregnancies). I am just now finally getting out of the tired stage too. I was extremely exhausted and usually in bed by 8:30 most nights during the first 3 months. My eyes just wouldn't stay open!
I feel like my muscles are stretched out from Hunter still and I am showing much quicker than I did with him! Unfortunately I have already gained 4 pounds with this little one! With Hunter I didn't gain anything until I was 20 weeks so I hope this weight slows down quickly or else I'll be huge in no time!
My official due date is June 19th according to a sonogram we had at 6 weeks. This is about a week off from what I had calculated. So, I'm hoping when I go to my next ultrasound they change it back to the 12th like I had thought originally! Either way, I am happy we were able to plan a June baby so it works out with my school schedule :)
I am so excited we get to find out the sex of this baby... we had a surprise last time! I literally can't wait any longer and want to know ASAP! If we have another boy we should be set on clothes since Hunter was born in June as well, yay!
We already have names picked out for either a boy or a girl... just no set middle names yet.
I would be thrilled if we had a girl because... well what woman doesn't want a little girl to dress up! I would also love it if we had a boy since Hunter will be only 2 years apart from this babe! What better play mate could we ask for?!
I am a little worried at how quickly this pregnancy is moving along. It is SOOOO different when you already have one! Most of the time I forget I am even pregnant! I have a feeling the next 27 weeks are going to sneak up on us!
I am planning on using my chalkboard to track my belly growth with this baby and will post pictures soon :)
Monday, November 11, 2013
17 Month Update
Our little toddler is so much fun and has so much personality! We are loving this stage! He is so fun! I can't wait for Christmas with him this year! <3
Little chatter box can say anything, literally. We have a book of shapes and he can repeat all of them and name circle and star on his own... and sometimes oval. He's such a little smarty! He repeats everything we say and doesn't seem to forget anything. I was changing his diaper and he held on to my hand and said rings. Little things like that I don't even know how he knows random words like that. I'm tellin you, his vocabulary is amazing for a 17 month old. He can say 2 and 3 word phrases now... some of his most common ones are: watch elmo, shoes on, let me out, diaper on, jammies on, shoes off, go bye bye.
My absolute favorite thing he says is "wow". He whispers it every time!! He got this from my dad because my dad looks at deer magazines with him and always says wow when he sees the deer. So, Hunter now says wow anytime he sees anything camo or deer related. We went to Wal-Mart today and he saw a camo bed sheet and whispered wow!! Its so freakin cute I cant help but kiss him when he does that! His memory is amazing I hope it stays like that when he gets older! School will be a breeze if he can remember everything!
A few weeks ago we were at Jared's dads and Jared's brother Nate was playing an elmo video on his phone. He put the phone up to a long vacuum tube and Hunter was listening on the other end. Now every time Hunter sees my vacuum hose he says Elmo, haha. I just can't get over the things he doesn't forget!
Some of his favorites at this time are: Elmo, Giggle bellies, books, juice, "nacks" as he calls snacks, "outide" as he calls going outside, and believe it or not he is like his momma and likes to go bye bye. I've never been one to just sit at home and relax for a whole day or more. I like to get things done and be on the go and so does my boy!
I haven't had a good look inside his mouth lately but I think he has 2 top molars and 2 bottom molars making it a total of 12 teeth.
He is wearing 24 month clothes and some 2T shirts but the sleeves are a little long still. He is wearing size 6 shoes. He should be going for his 18 month check up in about a month or so, so we will get updates on weight and height then!
Here is a picture of our latest photo shoot with Lydia at Candid's by Lydia!
Little chatter box can say anything, literally. We have a book of shapes and he can repeat all of them and name circle and star on his own... and sometimes oval. He's such a little smarty! He repeats everything we say and doesn't seem to forget anything. I was changing his diaper and he held on to my hand and said rings. Little things like that I don't even know how he knows random words like that. I'm tellin you, his vocabulary is amazing for a 17 month old. He can say 2 and 3 word phrases now... some of his most common ones are: watch elmo, shoes on, let me out, diaper on, jammies on, shoes off, go bye bye.
My absolute favorite thing he says is "wow". He whispers it every time!! He got this from my dad because my dad looks at deer magazines with him and always says wow when he sees the deer. So, Hunter now says wow anytime he sees anything camo or deer related. We went to Wal-Mart today and he saw a camo bed sheet and whispered wow!! Its so freakin cute I cant help but kiss him when he does that! His memory is amazing I hope it stays like that when he gets older! School will be a breeze if he can remember everything!
A few weeks ago we were at Jared's dads and Jared's brother Nate was playing an elmo video on his phone. He put the phone up to a long vacuum tube and Hunter was listening on the other end. Now every time Hunter sees my vacuum hose he says Elmo, haha. I just can't get over the things he doesn't forget!
Some of his favorites at this time are: Elmo, Giggle bellies, books, juice, "nacks" as he calls snacks, "outide" as he calls going outside, and believe it or not he is like his momma and likes to go bye bye. I've never been one to just sit at home and relax for a whole day or more. I like to get things done and be on the go and so does my boy!
I haven't had a good look inside his mouth lately but I think he has 2 top molars and 2 bottom molars making it a total of 12 teeth.
He is wearing 24 month clothes and some 2T shirts but the sleeves are a little long still. He is wearing size 6 shoes. He should be going for his 18 month check up in about a month or so, so we will get updates on weight and height then!
Here is a picture of our latest photo shoot with Lydia at Candid's by Lydia!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
16 months
Not much has changed lately other than a few new teeth! We just got our first 2 molars. Poor baby doesn't get a break with teeth coming in. He always runs a high temp and is not himself for a few days. These two came about a week apart so we have had a rough time lately! He won't eat much anymore either. He used to eat whatever we were eating and it was great. I'm trying to stick to my guns and not make him separate meals. So if he doesn't eat what I cook, at least some of it, then he usually gets milk and gets down. I refuse to start this picky eating thing, his dad is bad enough! Tonight he would not let me put mac and cheese in his mouth. He was screaming and hitting and yelling no! So, I just put a big glob of it on his tray and said chicken and he ate it right up. For some reason he will eat anything we call chicken, haha. I don't know how long our little trick will last!
He can talk so well I am so proud :) He also knows a lot of animals and their sounds along with belly, nose, ears, eyes, teeth, and feet on his body. I forgot to post his stats when he went to his 15 month check up. He was still in the 90% for both height and weight. He definitely seems to be slimming out though. Height he was 32.5 inches and weight he was 26.8 pounds. Doctor R was very impressed with his vocabulary too.
Favorites at 16 months:
Food: cheese
Show: Elmo!!!!!!
Word: Deer and Elmo, which are the 2 things he always wants to watch on TV too
Favorite thing to do: read books! He will sit for HOURS!
Drink: juice which is actually mostly water with some apple juice in it
Toy: Elmo or his books
Bed time has been 7:30 lately. I don't know why he has been crabby a little earlier and wanted bed without his sippy lately! So, I think he is breaking himself of this habit! I couldn't have asked for a better night time routine. We literally lay him down and he rolls over and goes to sleep until about 7:30-8 in the morning. So blessed!
So blessed with this little spunky personality! I hope he starts to eat better again soon! I miss my little garbage disposal of an eater :)
He can talk so well I am so proud :) He also knows a lot of animals and their sounds along with belly, nose, ears, eyes, teeth, and feet on his body. I forgot to post his stats when he went to his 15 month check up. He was still in the 90% for both height and weight. He definitely seems to be slimming out though. Height he was 32.5 inches and weight he was 26.8 pounds. Doctor R was very impressed with his vocabulary too.
Favorites at 16 months:
Food: cheese
Show: Elmo!!!!!!
Word: Deer and Elmo, which are the 2 things he always wants to watch on TV too
Favorite thing to do: read books! He will sit for HOURS!
Drink: juice which is actually mostly water with some apple juice in it
Toy: Elmo or his books
Bed time has been 7:30 lately. I don't know why he has been crabby a little earlier and wanted bed without his sippy lately! So, I think he is breaking himself of this habit! I couldn't have asked for a better night time routine. We literally lay him down and he rolls over and goes to sleep until about 7:30-8 in the morning. So blessed!
So blessed with this little spunky personality! I hope he starts to eat better again soon! I miss my little garbage disposal of an eater :)
Saturday, September 7, 2013
15 Months
Another month has gone by and our little toddler just keeps growing. His next appointment is in a few weeks so I'll update on size then. He is still wearing 18-24 months mostly in pants and shirts. As far as naps go I think he may be trying to narrow down to 1. Some days he will take 2 good naps and other days he will just scream during his afternoon nap and not want to go down. So, we may be on our way to 1 nap... we'll see! If he does, I'm going to try and get it to be an afternoon nap. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet! He's always been such a good sleeper/napper.
His vocabulary continues to expand. I'll try and name all the words he can say, although I know I'll probably miss quite a few!
Uh oh
beep beep
num nums(food)
Thank you
No No
Dog and woof
Horsey and neigh
--can make monkey noises ha
Night Night
bath tub
chicken (chickey)
cow and moooo
bottle (although he hasn't had one in 3 months he calls his milk sippy a baba)
stop it
mah maw (what he calls all his grandmas)
bye bye
Brynlee (this is his gf, haha he calls her min-wee)
and pretty much anything we say he will repeat
He can point to his belly and his toes, and sometimes his nose
He can follow directions like "bring me your shoes". He knows what lots of things are even though he may not be able to say complex words... for example all his toys were laying out and there was a cucumber laying in the middle of them and I said "bring me the cucumber" and he was able to pick it out from all the toys!
He usually tells us when he is tired by saying night night and lays his head down on something.
He is becoming mister independent and wants to use a spoon or a fork to feed himself now. He doesn't like to let us feed him :( such a big boy!
We have one smart little guy! We can't wait to help him learn more and see him grow!
His vocabulary continues to expand. I'll try and name all the words he can say, although I know I'll probably miss quite a few!
Uh oh
beep beep
num nums(food)
Thank you
No No
Dog and woof
Horsey and neigh
--can make monkey noises ha
Night Night
bath tub
chicken (chickey)
cow and moooo
bottle (although he hasn't had one in 3 months he calls his milk sippy a baba)
stop it
mah maw (what he calls all his grandmas)
bye bye
Brynlee (this is his gf, haha he calls her min-wee)
and pretty much anything we say he will repeat
He can point to his belly and his toes, and sometimes his nose
He can follow directions like "bring me your shoes". He knows what lots of things are even though he may not be able to say complex words... for example all his toys were laying out and there was a cucumber laying in the middle of them and I said "bring me the cucumber" and he was able to pick it out from all the toys!
He usually tells us when he is tired by saying night night and lays his head down on something.
He is becoming mister independent and wants to use a spoon or a fork to feed himself now. He doesn't like to let us feed him :( such a big boy!
We have one smart little guy! We can't wait to help him learn more and see him grow!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
14 months
At 14 months Hunter is growing like a weed. Not sure on any measurements though. He has quite the vocabulary still! He amazes me with his words! He can pretty much say anything and I've lost track of how many words he has. I'd say it somewhere around 50+. He's learning animals and their sounds and its adorable! I walked in to check on him the other morning when I woke up and he was talking in his sleep saying "no no" and "mine" haha... hard telling what that dream was about! He has been sleeping like a little teenager lately! It is rare if he is up before 8:30! I'm usually up when Jared goes to work and patiently waiting little guy to get up with me!
I have to go back to work next week :( I'm already looking forward to Christmas vacation and summer vacation next year, ha! I'm hoping this year goes by quickly! We sure are enjoying our big boy! We took him to the fair last night and had so much fun showing him the food, animals, and the rides of course. I can't wait until he can really enjoy the rides by himself. This year mom had to ride with him. He kept saying "weeeee". It was so cute!
I have to go back to work next week :( I'm already looking forward to Christmas vacation and summer vacation next year, ha! I'm hoping this year goes by quickly! We sure are enjoying our big boy! We took him to the fair last night and had so much fun showing him the food, animals, and the rides of course. I can't wait until he can really enjoy the rides by himself. This year mom had to ride with him. He kept saying "weeeee". It was so cute!
Before school starts back up dad wanted to take the kids and grand kids to Grant's Farm. So we planned it and headed there with the whole clan minus the husbands. It was a great day and the boys all loved the animals! Can't wait to do more fun things with his cousins when they get older!
Thursday, July 4, 2013
13 months
We have had quite a few play dates with Miss Brynlee this summer. Her momma and I have become quite good friends and we go walking twice a week with the strollers. Then usually after we walk to decide to meet up later and get some pool time in or do some pinterest crafts. I have enjoyed it very much! I will be so sad when I have to go back to working 5 days a week and don't get to see them as much anymore!
Hunter has also had a play date with my friend from Windsor, Stephanie and her daughter Wren. They came over the other day and brought a yummy lunch and then the babes played with Hunter's toys for awhile. We may try the park or Wren's house next time!
Hunter and I snuggling before church one morning <3
Hunter and his daddy being boys!
Hunter has also enjoyed playing with his cousins more this summer!
At 13 months Hunter can SAY:
ball (sometimes he says "the ball" haha)
buh bye
mama (although not very often...)
mmmmm and num num (which he says when he is hungry)
stop it
He has quite the vocabulary for a 1 year old! Our doctor told us by 15 months he should be saying 3 words, haha. I think we are going to have a talker on our hands!
Is back to 2 naps... the 1 nap thing is only if he happens to sleep in till 9-10 in the morning. But his sleeping is back to 8pm-7am so usually 2 naps are still necessary!
He has also started hitting already. If you try and take him from mom or dad when he doesn't want to be taken, he might smack you. You have our permission to smack his little hand. We want to stop this habbit quickly! Little turd doesn't seem to care when we smack his hand either!
He can also be so sweet! He blows kisses quite well and when I say I love you that is usually his response is to blow kisses or go in for kisses. Love it! Nothing sweeter than baby kisses!
Currently his favorite tv show is giggle bellies. We have a few of their dvds and that is my saving grace for taking a shower or getting ready while he's up! He sits in the high chair and watches this show so intently!
He still has just 6 teeth but will eat anything. I found some Oscar Meyer Selects Chicken hot dogs that aren't really the crappy hot dogs most are... they are just chicken meat, no nitrates or anything. But that is how I have been getting him to eat meat lately. Besides lunch meat and those chicken hot dogs, he doesn't chew meat well. Other than that, he is a piggy and eats anything in sight. He will keep saying "mmmmm" to get more until you stop, haha.
He currently wears size 18 month clothes, some of his shirts are 18-24 months, size 5 diapers, size 4 shoe.
Before he was a year old he army crawled everywhere. He would only get up on all 4's when he was crawling on concrete or grass. I think the texture hurt his legs when they were dragging. So we rarely ever saw him up on all four legs. Well now that he can walk, he also crawls regularly too. I think he was actually faster army crawling, haha!
Monday, June 24, 2013
With a birthday comes...
Hunter recently had his first birthday! We had so much fun planning and celebrating our baby boy's first year with us! His party was a success! I'm so glad he was born in the summer so we can have fun cook out birthday parties or future swim parties with his friends :)
We had a mickey party for Hunter at the park pavilion. What a great turn out we had!
We had a mickey party for Hunter at the park pavilion. What a great turn out we had!
We had Lydia take these photos for us!
We have noticed quite a few changes after Hunter's birthday! The attitude is getting more noticeable, but it's nothing we can't handle! He has also been saying so many new words! He now says deer quite well along with juice. Actually if we give him milk he will quickly throw it and say juice to let us know what he wants. I absolutely love that he is talking more! He seems like such a smartie already!
As far as walking, he finally got brave enough and lets go of things, yay! I don't know why I was so anxious for him to walk because he is quite the nosy little fella and into everything! This stage is so fun though he has such a personality!
I love who this little boy is becoming! His little kisses are just the best!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Happy Birthday Hunter!
Thanks to Lydia at Candids by Lydia for capturing a few shots for Hunter's first birthday session!
Is it even possible that this little butter ball is 1 year old today?!
I am so glad I took the time to take a picture each month so I can really see just how much he has grown! I know there is a huge difference between month 2 and 3. I'll never forget the first time someone told me he was "so big". I was not used to hearing that since he was only 6'13" when he was born! I can see here that he developed some chub at 3 months! He also got HUGE at 6 months! I think from then on out his hair really started to grow too! He got his first hair cut after that horrid 10 month picture, ha ha. He has had several since then, too!
At 1 year old Hunter you have quite the highlight list!
-says mama, dada, ball (boh), dog (doh), bottle (bob), whoa, stop it (yes he says a phrase!)
-I think we have a talker on our hands.. he jabbers all day long and still whispers too!
-can stand on your own and can walk!
-You are hesitant to let go of something and walk on your own still, but if we set you down you will walk to the other person or walk across the room quite well!-
-is getting moved to size 5 diapers real soon because you are starting to leak in 4's. Lets hope you stay in 5's till you are potty trained! (with each diaper size you move get less!)
-wearing size 18 month clothes
-wearing size 3-4 shoe
-has a brand new sleeping schedule! 9pm-9am is your norm now with just one nap during the day usually from about noon-3... or if we have to go somewhere you will take 2 smaller naps
-gets one bottle at bed time and that's it! I'm so glad we have you almost completely weaned off bottles! This mama has been washing them by hand from day 3 (when you started formula)!
-loves to dance! It's pretty adorable the way you bounce up and down and kind of do this little head banging thing to the music, haha
-can go from laying down to sitting up
-You will still eat veggies as long as I put a little salt and pepper on them... guess you like flavor like the rest of us!
-can eat anything we eat even though you still only have 6 teeth
-finally has your car seat turned around and you love looking at us!
You weigh 25 pounds and are 32 inches long! You have remained in the 99 percentile for height and 90th for weight!
Happy Birthday Hunter!!!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
11 months!
Hunter is just a few days past 11 months old now! Its hard to believe in less than a month we will be celebrating his birthday!
At 11 months old Hunter...
- has had his first hair cut... this was done by his momma! I'm not a keeper or a hoarder by any means so no, I did not keep a lock of his hair. I have plenty of pictures to help me remember what color it was, haha. Don't get me wrong, I have many pictures for his baby book, but hair is just one of those things I don't plan on keeping!
-is so close to walking! He is getting brave and letting go of us or the couch and has had a few falls because of it! He likes to go from the couch to his toy box which is a step or two and he has fallen a few times... it scares me every time he hits his little head on that hard wood floor!
-pulls up on anything and everything! He will find the smallest little nook or crannie to pull up on, including a poster on a wall!
-Eats all table food and isn't really picky.
-has 6 teeth that are completely through (4 top, 2 bottom)
-We have been struggleing with ear infections and allergies for a long time now. I got Hunter up last week and it looked like his eyes were still closed. They were so swollen! I took him to the doctor thinking he was allergic to something he ate or drank. She just confirmed he had really bad seasonal allergies though. So, she prescribed yet another medication for him. This would make him on 4 allergy medicines. I hated that! So, I decided to try something all natural. Genesis Pure has a Mangosteen product that is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflamitory! It has worked wonders on our little guy, and myself! He is now off all 4 medicines and strictly on the pure mangosteen. YAY! When school lets out I plan on taking him to the chiropractor for his ears as well. Maybe she can help us out in that department becuase poor little guy has had yet another ear infection!
-Wears size 4 diapers
-Weighs 24.4 pounds
-30" long
-Wears 18 month clothes
-Has the cutest little voice and loves to say "buh dub a dub" and "buh jew buh jew" along with mama, dada, and bye bye
-If you say "bye bye" he now instantly waves
-If you say paddy cake he instantly starts clapping.. such a smart boy!
-doesn't know what NO means yet.. but we are working on that! I told him no a few times on Saturday when hew as into the DVD's .. I tried slapping his hand and saying no but he just smiled at me!
-loves his mom and dad and prefers them over anyone :) But is still so friendly he will not cry when he goes to other people
-He is still taking 3 bottles a day but I think we are about to get rid of the morning and afternoon bottles! He drinks all whole milk now! (We tried almond milk for a few days and I honestly think it gave him really really bad diarhhea!)
-takes 2 naps still... morning nap is usually 1-2 hours and same with afternoon
-wakes up at about 6:45 everyday and goes to bed in a range from 7-8:30 depending on his afternoon nap
We can't wait to celebrate his birthday! We are planning a Mickey party at the park just a few days after his birthday!
At 11 months old Hunter...
- has had his first hair cut... this was done by his momma! I'm not a keeper or a hoarder by any means so no, I did not keep a lock of his hair. I have plenty of pictures to help me remember what color it was, haha. Don't get me wrong, I have many pictures for his baby book, but hair is just one of those things I don't plan on keeping!
-is so close to walking! He is getting brave and letting go of us or the couch and has had a few falls because of it! He likes to go from the couch to his toy box which is a step or two and he has fallen a few times... it scares me every time he hits his little head on that hard wood floor!
-pulls up on anything and everything! He will find the smallest little nook or crannie to pull up on, including a poster on a wall!
-Eats all table food and isn't really picky.
-has 6 teeth that are completely through (4 top, 2 bottom)
-We have been struggleing with ear infections and allergies for a long time now. I got Hunter up last week and it looked like his eyes were still closed. They were so swollen! I took him to the doctor thinking he was allergic to something he ate or drank. She just confirmed he had really bad seasonal allergies though. So, she prescribed yet another medication for him. This would make him on 4 allergy medicines. I hated that! So, I decided to try something all natural. Genesis Pure has a Mangosteen product that is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflamitory! It has worked wonders on our little guy, and myself! He is now off all 4 medicines and strictly on the pure mangosteen. YAY! When school lets out I plan on taking him to the chiropractor for his ears as well. Maybe she can help us out in that department becuase poor little guy has had yet another ear infection!
-Wears size 4 diapers
-Weighs 24.4 pounds
-30" long
-Wears 18 month clothes
-Has the cutest little voice and loves to say "buh dub a dub" and "buh jew buh jew" along with mama, dada, and bye bye
-If you say "bye bye" he now instantly waves
-If you say paddy cake he instantly starts clapping.. such a smart boy!
-doesn't know what NO means yet.. but we are working on that! I told him no a few times on Saturday when hew as into the DVD's .. I tried slapping his hand and saying no but he just smiled at me!
-loves his mom and dad and prefers them over anyone :) But is still so friendly he will not cry when he goes to other people
-He is still taking 3 bottles a day but I think we are about to get rid of the morning and afternoon bottles! He drinks all whole milk now! (We tried almond milk for a few days and I honestly think it gave him really really bad diarhhea!)
-takes 2 naps still... morning nap is usually 1-2 hours and same with afternoon
-wakes up at about 6:45 everyday and goes to bed in a range from 7-8:30 depending on his afternoon nap
We can't wait to celebrate his birthday! We are planning a Mickey party at the park just a few days after his birthday!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Preparing for a little one: Birth stories link up!
Linking up with my sister's blog Five 27 Jones for "Preparing for a little one: Birth Stories"!
I love hearing other people's birth stories and I love sharing mine! My son is now 10 months old and it is all still so fresh in my mind, haha!
I had a pretty interesting labor with Hunter, my son. He tried coming at 34 weeks, before we or the doctor was comfortable letting me deliver! It all started on a night in May... I wasn't due until July 3! Anyways, I was sitting on the couch counting what I thought were contractions... but I wasn't quite sure. They were about every 4 minutes apart, but they didn't really hurt so I kind of just figured they were Braxton Hicks contractions. I had been having these braxton hicks ones for a few weeks already and they didn't really feel any different except a little pain in my lower back which made me wonder if it was the real deal. Since I was only 34 weeks I thought I better call the doctor on call and check to see if this was normal. He said come in right away. So, my husband and I went in and I was feeling kind of silly. I thought there is no way I'm really in labor because these don't hurt! To my surpise the nurse said I would probably be staying the night because my contractions were about every 2-3 minutes apart. I was super surpised and not ready for this news at all! I had no bag packed or anything! Luckily we live about 2 miles from the hospital though. Anyways, the doctor came up and checked me and I was at a 3-4 cm dialated! They weren't too pleased with this because we live in a pretty small town so they didn't have a nursery capable of handling a premie baby this early. So, they started giving me shots and all sorts of meds to try and stop contractions... nothing was helping. He wanted to come now! They finally gave me magnesium.... wow this stuff sucks. So sorry if anyone ever has to get this! Long story short, I ended up being there for 5 days! They finally sent me home when my contractions seemed to stop. They sent me home on very strict bed rest and on some pills to stop contractions. I was to take these pills for 9 days (until I reached 36 weeks) and then I could go off of them and baby was free to come! So, I tried following bed rest and when I hit 35 weeks and about 4 days I was just done and didn't follow through to well. I did keep taking my meds though. The day I went off my meds I started feeling the contractions again! At this point I was ready to get this labor and delivery over with! So, guilty, I went walking! Lets just say that night I told my husband I thought we would be headed to the hospital again. I contracted all day and night Tuesday June 5th. My husband had a soft ball game that night and I told him I could go watch and then we would head to the hospital, haha. I was pretty lucky that I didn't have very painful contractions....yet! So at about 10 p.m we headed to the hospital! The nurse looked at me like I was crazy when she said reason for being here.. I said "I'm in labor." She was probably thinking I didn't seem like I was in labor at all because I really was doing fine! I got up to my room and the nurse ticked me off right away! She goes oh hunny you are only 36 weeks so we will probably try and stop your labor again. I was like OH NO YOU ARENT! I AM HAVING THIS BABY! She said well if you are dialated past a 4-5 we will have to let you go but if not we are stopping it. I wanted to have a little party when she checked me and said I was at a 7!!!!!! WOO HOO! I labored all night and got a little sleep. The doctor came in the next morning to break my water. I was at about an 8 so was moving very slowly! I tried walking but they make you walk for 30 min then sit on monitors for 30 min so it didn't really do anything. Well a few hours went by and the nurse came in to ask about an epidural. I got nervous when they gave me an ultamatum on last chance if I wanted an epidural! I still wasn't in much pain but decided to get one just in case... BAD DECISION! They came in to do the epidural and I was one of those lucky 1 in like a thousand or so that gets a bad epidural! The Dr. who put it in put it in wrong the first time, so he saw some fluid pooling back there and had to take it out and re-do it. Then the second time he did it, he tapped into the spinal fluid and caused me to have a full on spinal instead of an epidural. The difference is how you are numbed. A spinal is what they do when you have a C-section. So needless to say I was freaking out when I was numbed up to my neck! I got so scared from this feeling of not being able to feel, swallow, or move anything! My heart rate went up to 130 and my BP went down to 80-40. I was so scared!! Since it was a "spinal" and not a normal epidural they had to just let it wear off so that I could feel my legs again in order to push in just a few hours. SO, after ALL THAT, I didn't even get to reep the benefits of having an epidural! They didn't start my bag of meds that come with the epidural because they didn't want me to get too numb again... oh well. At least I got an hour relief from contractions out of it all because they were starting to pick up and get painful!
So, after all that hustle and bustle was over it was about noon and I started feeling my contractions comin back. They got stronger and stronger and before I knew it I was at a 10 and ready to start pushin! I had a LLOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG hour and a half of pushing and then we got to meet our precious baby boy! The pushing was so horrible though. I had no idea I would have to push for that long! I had it in my head that the pushing part only lasted a half hour or so... But it was definitely worth it when they said "it's a boy" and we got to see him for the first time and hear his beautiful cry! What a little sweetie he is too! I can't get over the love you can have for such a tiny little thing you just meet! I was so tired and exhausted I didn't have the sobbing moment when they lay him on your chest thing like I thought I would. I have never been that exhausted in my life before. I could barely even hold him on my chest he felt like he weighed a ton.. I was just super tired, haha. He was only 6 lbs and 13 oz which was actually pretty big for being 4 weeks early! My little guy stole my heart in an instant :) Although I do remember telling my nurses and doctors that " I am NEVER doing that again." haha oh the things you say when you are in pain!
Unfortunately my pain didn't stop there though. Because of my epidural complications I ended up getting a spinal head ache/back ache after all that! THIS WAS HORRIBLE! I wouldn't ever wish this sort of pain upon anyone! Laying flat is the only way to get any head releif, and the back pain never went away no matter what I did. So, I had to go to the ER on Sunday morning (2 days after I left the hospital) and get a blood patch. This is where they take blood from your arm and insert it back into your spinal cavity where the air was pocketing which caused all my pain. So, once they filled that air pocket with blood I had instant relief. This was wonderful!
I think next time I will try for no epidural as long as I get lucky with my contractions not causing much pain again!
Here is our precous newborn!
My advice is: don't think the pushing will be nice and short. This was a total let down for me as I kept looking at the clock thinking WHY AM I STILL PUSHING! They kept telling me "I can see his head" for like a whole hour! At one point I yelled, can you just pull him out then? I can't push anymore! I think I yelled I can't do this a million times! They did end up cutting me which I didn't even feel. The stitches at the end weren't bad either. I was most nervous about this!!
I love hearing other people's birth stories and I love sharing mine! My son is now 10 months old and it is all still so fresh in my mind, haha!
I had a pretty interesting labor with Hunter, my son. He tried coming at 34 weeks, before we or the doctor was comfortable letting me deliver! It all started on a night in May... I wasn't due until July 3! Anyways, I was sitting on the couch counting what I thought were contractions... but I wasn't quite sure. They were about every 4 minutes apart, but they didn't really hurt so I kind of just figured they were Braxton Hicks contractions. I had been having these braxton hicks ones for a few weeks already and they didn't really feel any different except a little pain in my lower back which made me wonder if it was the real deal. Since I was only 34 weeks I thought I better call the doctor on call and check to see if this was normal. He said come in right away. So, my husband and I went in and I was feeling kind of silly. I thought there is no way I'm really in labor because these don't hurt! To my surpise the nurse said I would probably be staying the night because my contractions were about every 2-3 minutes apart. I was super surpised and not ready for this news at all! I had no bag packed or anything! Luckily we live about 2 miles from the hospital though. Anyways, the doctor came up and checked me and I was at a 3-4 cm dialated! They weren't too pleased with this because we live in a pretty small town so they didn't have a nursery capable of handling a premie baby this early. So, they started giving me shots and all sorts of meds to try and stop contractions... nothing was helping. He wanted to come now! They finally gave me magnesium.... wow this stuff sucks. So sorry if anyone ever has to get this! Long story short, I ended up being there for 5 days! They finally sent me home when my contractions seemed to stop. They sent me home on very strict bed rest and on some pills to stop contractions. I was to take these pills for 9 days (until I reached 36 weeks) and then I could go off of them and baby was free to come! So, I tried following bed rest and when I hit 35 weeks and about 4 days I was just done and didn't follow through to well. I did keep taking my meds though. The day I went off my meds I started feeling the contractions again! At this point I was ready to get this labor and delivery over with! So, guilty, I went walking! Lets just say that night I told my husband I thought we would be headed to the hospital again. I contracted all day and night Tuesday June 5th. My husband had a soft ball game that night and I told him I could go watch and then we would head to the hospital, haha. I was pretty lucky that I didn't have very painful contractions....yet! So at about 10 p.m we headed to the hospital! The nurse looked at me like I was crazy when she said reason for being here.. I said "I'm in labor." She was probably thinking I didn't seem like I was in labor at all because I really was doing fine! I got up to my room and the nurse ticked me off right away! She goes oh hunny you are only 36 weeks so we will probably try and stop your labor again. I was like OH NO YOU ARENT! I AM HAVING THIS BABY! She said well if you are dialated past a 4-5 we will have to let you go but if not we are stopping it. I wanted to have a little party when she checked me and said I was at a 7!!!!!! WOO HOO! I labored all night and got a little sleep. The doctor came in the next morning to break my water. I was at about an 8 so was moving very slowly! I tried walking but they make you walk for 30 min then sit on monitors for 30 min so it didn't really do anything. Well a few hours went by and the nurse came in to ask about an epidural. I got nervous when they gave me an ultamatum on last chance if I wanted an epidural! I still wasn't in much pain but decided to get one just in case... BAD DECISION! They came in to do the epidural and I was one of those lucky 1 in like a thousand or so that gets a bad epidural! The Dr. who put it in put it in wrong the first time, so he saw some fluid pooling back there and had to take it out and re-do it. Then the second time he did it, he tapped into the spinal fluid and caused me to have a full on spinal instead of an epidural. The difference is how you are numbed. A spinal is what they do when you have a C-section. So needless to say I was freaking out when I was numbed up to my neck! I got so scared from this feeling of not being able to feel, swallow, or move anything! My heart rate went up to 130 and my BP went down to 80-40. I was so scared!! Since it was a "spinal" and not a normal epidural they had to just let it wear off so that I could feel my legs again in order to push in just a few hours. SO, after ALL THAT, I didn't even get to reep the benefits of having an epidural! They didn't start my bag of meds that come with the epidural because they didn't want me to get too numb again... oh well. At least I got an hour relief from contractions out of it all because they were starting to pick up and get painful!
So, after all that hustle and bustle was over it was about noon and I started feeling my contractions comin back. They got stronger and stronger and before I knew it I was at a 10 and ready to start pushin! I had a LLOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG hour and a half of pushing and then we got to meet our precious baby boy! The pushing was so horrible though. I had no idea I would have to push for that long! I had it in my head that the pushing part only lasted a half hour or so... But it was definitely worth it when they said "it's a boy" and we got to see him for the first time and hear his beautiful cry! What a little sweetie he is too! I can't get over the love you can have for such a tiny little thing you just meet! I was so tired and exhausted I didn't have the sobbing moment when they lay him on your chest thing like I thought I would. I have never been that exhausted in my life before. I could barely even hold him on my chest he felt like he weighed a ton.. I was just super tired, haha. He was only 6 lbs and 13 oz which was actually pretty big for being 4 weeks early! My little guy stole my heart in an instant :) Although I do remember telling my nurses and doctors that " I am NEVER doing that again." haha oh the things you say when you are in pain!
Unfortunately my pain didn't stop there though. Because of my epidural complications I ended up getting a spinal head ache/back ache after all that! THIS WAS HORRIBLE! I wouldn't ever wish this sort of pain upon anyone! Laying flat is the only way to get any head releif, and the back pain never went away no matter what I did. So, I had to go to the ER on Sunday morning (2 days after I left the hospital) and get a blood patch. This is where they take blood from your arm and insert it back into your spinal cavity where the air was pocketing which caused all my pain. So, once they filled that air pocket with blood I had instant relief. This was wonderful!
I think next time I will try for no epidural as long as I get lucky with my contractions not causing much pain again!
Here is our precous newborn!
and here he is now, 10 months old!

10.5 months
Ok I thought I would do another post because Hunter is growing up before our eyes! He now is taking a few steps! He thinks he is a big boy and walks along furniture and even let's go sometimes! He will walk holding one hand now too! The biggest change has been his voice though. He just must not have felt well enough to talk at 10 months when I last updated because now all he does is jibber jabber! He makes the funniest sounds along with saying dada a lot still and now mama too!!!. Today I said say bye bye and he did! He also repeated me when I said 'ball' the other day! Yay! I literally can't wait for this summer when he is walking more ad talkin more! Love love love this age!!! My little baby is almost a toddler!!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Alright, I know I was one of the lucky ones who got a baby that slept through the night fairly soon... but that doesnt mean it's been bliss since! Just clarifying for those who have little ones or are expecting that just because they "sleep through the night" doesnt mean you will have perfect nights from then on! We had a few great months of sleeping... until the ear infections came... then we got tubes and then the teething started in... so we have good nights and bad still! Our good nights are 7:30 or 8:00 bedtime to his normal wake up time which is about 6:45-7:00 AM. Lately though ever since he got the tubes he hasn't been sleeping the best. He had the flu for a week so was up a lot with yucky diapers. Then he had a fever for a few days and I guess his teeth were just really bothering him because he was up a few times a night and not wanting to go back to sleep. IB profin and benedryl have been our friends. The doctor says he has allergies so to keep on him with the benedryl and claritin along with a nasal spray for during the day... and when his teeth hurt we do ib profin 2x through the night usually along with night time oragel. These things have helped, but we still aren't back to his perfect sleeping!
His naps however are getting shorter... they are usually about one and a half hours now. But we are still very grateful for this boy who loves sleep.. he just gets unlucky with ears, teeth, flu bugs, and allergies! I can't wait for the day when he can tell me what is hurting him! The guessing game in the middle of the night is the worst! And why can't they make pain medicine that kicks in quicker than 30 minutes!??
His naps however are getting shorter... they are usually about one and a half hours now. But we are still very grateful for this boy who loves sleep.. he just gets unlucky with ears, teeth, flu bugs, and allergies! I can't wait for the day when he can tell me what is hurting him! The guessing game in the middle of the night is the worst! And why can't they make pain medicine that kicks in quicker than 30 minutes!??
preparing for a little one link up: packing your bags!
I'm linking up with my sister's blog and her link up series called "preparing for a little one". This week we were supposed to share what we packed for the hospital!
I had 2 hospital trips, so my first one was a practice run for the real one a week later! When I was there the first time I wasnt prepared to stay. So, I realized a few things that I wanted to make sure I had when it was really time to have the baby!
I would say the number one thing would be to make sure and bring your own towel! For some reason, our hospital towels were like hand towel size! Okay, not really that small, but they were very tiny!
Here is a list of other things I made sure I had on my second visit:
-comfy clothes- I had my son in the summer so packed some underarmour athletic capris and a t-shirt
-boppy for baby- you will be amazed at how heavy a 6-9 pound baby can feel after 2 hours of pushing I could barely hold my son up on my own!
-a mini fan- once again I had my son during a very hot time in June so this was helpful!
-charged cameras and video camera ready to go! (the first time I went I didn't have mine charged and ready!)
-I know you really want to bring the diaper bag, but it's not necessary. The hospital provides all the essentials for baby including diapers! Just bring an outfit for going home in and maybe a blanket... you will be going home with 5x more than you came with anyway!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
10 months!
We are on our way to feeling back to normal! We have had a ROUGH winter! After all the mess with the ear aches and tubes... Hunter got a nasty flu bug the day Jared and I left for Spring retreat. He started showing symptoms Friday about 4 and finally... THURSDAY he is feeling himself again with just a little bit of diarrhea still. The bad news is Jared started feeling sick Wednesday morning... I just hope it doesnt take him a whole week to recover like it did Hunter boy! This was a rough virus he had! I took off work Monday to stay with him and went ahead and went to the doctor for myself because I had a sinus infection! The doctor gave us some diaper rash cream for Hunter and we were on our way. I'm telling you... rough rough rough winter! Doctor says its because Hunter has been on so many antibiotics for his ears that he basically had no immune system left and I, being a teacher, brought home every sickness out there. A friend told me about these little packets called culterelle probiotics that seemed to help him get over it. You can buy them at a pharmacy if you ask for them. They are little individual packets of a powder that helps upset stomach and it also helps re-build the colon with good biotics! So, after a day or 2 of these in him he was finally feeling better!
I am loving this 10 month stage, but not the attitude that came with it! Little mister is getting his own tude these days. If he wants to walk (you hold his hands) and you don't let him he will scream. This isn't a little baby scream its a pretty loud toddler like scream! Not havin it! He has already had a few smacks on the hand! He has started this fake cry thing when he doesnt get his way too. It's not a real cry with tears... its a scream cry.... not a fan!
At 10 months Hunter is: 23.8 pounds and still 29 inches
-wearing size 4 diapers still
-wearing size 12 month pants and 18 month shirts mostly
-wearing size 3 shoe
-has been pulling up since right after 9 months...
-was found standing in bed!
-no longer likes to walk with one hand... he is getting scared and has to have 2 now
-still not too close on walking (can't stand on his own yet)
-walks on his tippy toes- uhh! He even stands tippy toed in his walker and exersaucer!
-whispers... its so funny he will crawl around the house whispering. I'm not sure where he got this!
-doesn't seem to say dada as much as he used to because he's too busy whispering, haha
-will still eat stage 3 baby food (the ones with chunky stuff like pasta) but prefers whatever we are eating
-can drink out of a big boy sippy cup with no handles!
-has 5 teeth! 3 top are slowly coming down and he has 2 bottom
-needs a hair cut! He has such fluffy hair and it is getting so long! I will probably schedule his first hair cut soon if I can't talk Kay into cutting it some day! (I'm a firm believer in if they need it cut, it gets cut... there is none of this "wait till his first birthday" attitude from this momma. I've seen too many baby boys with long nasty hair, haha- sorry!) I already look back at his 3 month pictures when he had patchy hair for a few weeks and wonder why I didn't just shave it! *** next kid!
-used to drink water just fine out of his sippy but he's getting a little spoiled and thinks he has to have juice now. I really didn't want him having any juice if it wasn't necessary... so we'll see if we can get him back to water soon.
-He isn't our little chubs anymore! As he gets older he is seeming slimmer and slimmer! I don't like this because he seems like such a little boy... I can't believe only 2 more months until his birthday! We love you little man!
I am loving this 10 month stage, but not the attitude that came with it! Little mister is getting his own tude these days. If he wants to walk (you hold his hands) and you don't let him he will scream. This isn't a little baby scream its a pretty loud toddler like scream! Not havin it! He has already had a few smacks on the hand! He has started this fake cry thing when he doesnt get his way too. It's not a real cry with tears... its a scream cry.... not a fan!
At 10 months Hunter is: 23.8 pounds and still 29 inches
-wearing size 4 diapers still
-wearing size 12 month pants and 18 month shirts mostly
-wearing size 3 shoe
-has been pulling up since right after 9 months...
-was found standing in bed!
-no longer likes to walk with one hand... he is getting scared and has to have 2 now
-still not too close on walking (can't stand on his own yet)
-walks on his tippy toes- uhh! He even stands tippy toed in his walker and exersaucer!
-whispers... its so funny he will crawl around the house whispering. I'm not sure where he got this!
-doesn't seem to say dada as much as he used to because he's too busy whispering, haha
-will still eat stage 3 baby food (the ones with chunky stuff like pasta) but prefers whatever we are eating
-can drink out of a big boy sippy cup with no handles!
-has 5 teeth! 3 top are slowly coming down and he has 2 bottom
-needs a hair cut! He has such fluffy hair and it is getting so long! I will probably schedule his first hair cut soon if I can't talk Kay into cutting it some day! (I'm a firm believer in if they need it cut, it gets cut... there is none of this "wait till his first birthday" attitude from this momma. I've seen too many baby boys with long nasty hair, haha- sorry!) I already look back at his 3 month pictures when he had patchy hair for a few weeks and wonder why I didn't just shave it! *** next kid!
-used to drink water just fine out of his sippy but he's getting a little spoiled and thinks he has to have juice now. I really didn't want him having any juice if it wasn't necessary... so we'll see if we can get him back to water soon.
-He isn't our little chubs anymore! As he gets older he is seeming slimmer and slimmer! I don't like this because he seems like such a little boy... I can't believe only 2 more months until his birthday! We love you little man!
This face describes how he felt.. miserable!
I actually got him to smile even though he had a yucky flu bug!
Mom, I'd rather stand and eat this bear anyday!
All of his top teeth coming in at once!
Getting into everything as he pulls up on stuff!
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