Saturday, April 20, 2013


Alright, I know I was one of the lucky ones who got a baby that slept through the night fairly soon... but that doesnt mean it's been bliss since! Just clarifying for those who have little ones or are expecting that just because they "sleep through the night" doesnt mean you will have perfect nights from then on! We had a few great months of sleeping... until the ear infections came... then we got tubes and then the teething started in... so we have good nights and bad still! Our good nights are 7:30 or 8:00 bedtime to his normal wake up time which is about 6:45-7:00 AM. Lately though ever since he got the tubes he hasn't been sleeping the best. He had the flu for a week so was up a lot with yucky diapers. Then he had a fever for a few days and I guess his teeth were just really bothering him because he was up a few times a night and not wanting to go back to sleep. IB profin and benedryl have been our friends. The doctor says he has allergies so to keep on him with the benedryl and claritin along with a nasal spray for during the day... and when his teeth hurt we do ib profin 2x through the night usually along with night time oragel. These things have helped, but we still aren't back to his perfect sleeping!

His naps however are getting shorter... they are usually about one and a half hours now. But we are still very grateful for this boy who loves sleep.. he just gets unlucky with ears, teeth, flu bugs, and allergies! I can't wait for the day when he can tell me what is hurting him! The guessing game in the middle of the night is the worst! And why can't they make pain medicine that kicks in quicker than 30 minutes!??

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