We had a long day of flying on Thursday... left her house at noon and didn't get to our hotel until midnight! Yes, I realize that is about how long it would have taken to drive, haha. Our plane was delayed in Maryland because of fog in Panama. So it made for a long day, that's for sure!
Friday we were pretty exhausted. We quickly realized our hotel was not near any of the tourist things to do there, bummer! Since we didn't rent a car (mistake number 1) we had to pay for taxi's everywhere we went. That sucked! But, we decided to take one somewhere that we could spend all day basically. So we went downtown to the Ripley's Museum, the science center, and did some mini golf on the first day. We walked a total of probably 2 miles through the different places. By 6 pm we were ready to head back to our hotel and relax.

Sunday was supposed to be our "relax by the beach and read a book" day. The weather was supposed to be sunny and 73 of a high temp. Of course, that didn't happen though! We decided we were really tired of paying 30 bucks to take a 1 way taxi ride, so chose to walk to the beach from our hotel (it was about a mile and a half) So we started off walking, and had our blanket in hand (we borrowed the "extra" blanket our room had in the closet). The walk wasn't too bad, my calves were just a little sore from all the walking the day before. But we made it to the beach, sat down, got out our books, and then the clouds started rollin in. The wind was about 30 mph too! BRR! We were freezing to say the least. We decided we would tough it out a little longer, until we got totally creeped out! Since the weather wasn't the best, there was pretty much no one walking the beach... We would see an old couple walking in the distance every 10 min or so... but that was it! I looked up and saw some random guy in his 20's or 30's walking towards us with a duffle bag. He decided to sit down no more than 12 inches from us! He might as well have asked us to sit on our blanket with us! We quickly got creeped out, figured he was just tryin to steal our purses while we weren't payin attention. So we started gettin our shoes on and grabbed all of our stuff ASAP and walked the other way. We looked back after about 50 yards and he was gone! What a weirdo... I did manage to take a picture of the beach before we packed up... You can tell the water was so much rougher because of the wind! The skys don't look to promising either.
We still had a good day though. Decided to go back to pier park. There is always time for shopping and eating out! We saw a movie too. "This Means War" it was AMAZING! We had seen the Vow the day before it and was really good too! I just liked This Means War better cause it was funny :)
Monday was a day of travel again, but not as bad as the trip to FL. We got home around 2:30 on Monday. When I got home I was COMPLETELY surprised. My awesome hubby had painted the nursery, carpeted it, installed a ceiling fan, and put together the glider for our baby! Wow! He didn't have much of a relaxing weekend... but the room is now getting closer and closer to being ready for baby Yager! Only 18 more weeks at the most till we get to meet him or her!
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