Tuesday, March 6, 2012


We are now completely registered for baby Yager! I started the registry awhile ago and have been adding things here and there as I think of them. I think we are finally finished though! I can't wait to get everything set up in our house! We registered at Wal-Mart and Target. We of course went with gender neutral on everything since we didn't find out. But I think even if we did know what we were having we would have gone gender neutral so we can re-use everything for future babies!

Here are some pictures of some of my favorites off the registries...

Definitely gotta have the car seat! I know its not some cutesy pattered one, but I kinda like the simple factor! I really like the handle of the car seat, and the fact that it goes with a jogger stroller. That was the biggest factor in finding a car seat for us!

 Here is the matching jogger stroller. So glad Jen had kids first so I can learn from her! She said it was much better to have a jogger than a regular stroller, so instead of buying 2, why not just have one!

 The infamous boppy pillow. Every mom's best friend for feeding and
laying baby down on before they can sit up!

 So excited about this new newborn sleeper. Instead of having a pack & play in our room or around the house for the baby to sleep in we want to use this.
It rocks and cradles... also folds up easy to pack up and take somewhere!

 Thought this high chair was the cutest out of all the ones I searched... I wanted one that folded up.
There are many other items on our list! Such as a bouncer seat, swing, bumbo seat, travel seat, jumperoo, pack and play, and more! Man, babies sure do need a lot of stuff!!


  1. You will love the rock in play sleeper! Pack n plays are great for travel but this is so much better to use instead of a bassinet! We have one for Rylin, wish we would have had one for Ian. And the jogger travel systems are awesome, wish we would have done that first too!

  2. Thats awesome! I thought it looked like it would be really handy.. can't wait to get one! So excited about the jogger travel system too :)
